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Mark Your Calendar! Doors Open soon on Wed Sept 18th at 10:00 AM EST! 
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Become a Digital Nomad
The Remote Career Accelerator®
Are you ready to say bye long commutes 👋 and hello to the freedom of working from your PJS or from anywhere in the world? ✈️  Then,

It's time to finally get the remote career of your dreams

For 9-5'ers who are done being trapped in an office and are ready to use a step-by-step blueprint for securing a flexible remote career
Taught by Kate Smith, As Seen In

Why Committing to Ditching the Office Job is Critical

  • You'll no longer have to drag yourself (back) to the office because you finally know how possible remote work is 
  • You'll find the freedom and flexibility to live life on your terms, whether that’s traveling, spending more time with loved ones, or reclaiming time commuting
  • The desire for freedom is becoming unbearable because you know there's more to life. And it slowly eats away at you, day by day. You're being robbed of the most valuable thing… your time.
  • You’re ready to work for a company that fully embraces remote work, so you can finally create a more balanced lifestyle

Your 9-5 office job keeps you busy enough, right?! 

No one wants to waste their weekends applying to remote jobs, only to get rejected.

❌ If you guessed you just need to submit more resumes… you’d be wrong

❌ If you guessed you don’t have the right skills… you’d be wrong

❌ If you guessed there’s too much competition… you’d be wrong

Landing a remote job isn’t about submitting more resumes or acquiring new skills.

Most people are using the traditional, outdated method to try and get a remote job. They find a job, submit their resume, and pray they hear back. But it’s the 21st century and this "apply-and-pray" method no longer works. You need a strategy that actually works.

To successfully land a remote job it's about knowing how to effectively communicate your value in a compelling way that employers can’t resist; and using methods the average job seeker doesn't use, to get an edge on the competition and give you top-of-pile status when applying to remote jobs.

Let me ask you a question: Why do you think you haven't landed a remote job yet?

If you guessed....

❌ You just need to submit more resumes… you’d be wrong

❌ You need a better resume to get a remote job... you’d be wrong

❌ You don’t have the right skills… you’d be wrong

❌ There’s too much competition… you’d be wrong

Most people are using the traditional, outdated method to try and get a remote job. They find a job, submit their resume, and pray they hear back. But it’s 2025 and this "apply-and-pray" method no longer works. You need a proven strategy that actually works!

Unless you've got a remote job search strategy that works like a well-oiled machine...

Then the remote job that you're tirelessly trying to land by yourself will (at best) comes at the expense of your cortisol levels, and (at worst) doesn't come and instead, completely kill your motivation.

Greatest Triumph

The desire for freedom is becoming unbearable because you know there's more to life. 

And it slowly eats away at you, day by day. 

Your office job is robbing you of the most valuable thing… your time.

It’s a cycle of eat, sleep, commute, work, repeat. 
  • You can no longer drag yourself (back) to the office because since Covid you know it's possible to work remotely and you how much better life can get when you can work from anywhere.
  • You want the freedom and flexibility to live life on your terms; whether that’s traveling, spending more time with loved ones, or reclaiming the hours (and money) wasted commuting every day. 
  • You’re ready to work for a company that fully embraces remote work, so you can finally create a lifestyle that lets you enjoy a slow morning coffee, see your loved ones more, take mid-day naps, or hop on a plane at a moment's notice.


But it slowly eats away at you, day by day. The desire for freedom is becoming unbearable… 

You know there's more to life.

Your office job is robbing you of the most valuable thing … your time.

It’s a cycle of eat, sleep, commute, work, repeat. 
  • You can no longer drag yourself (back) to the office because since Covid you know it's possible to work remotely and you how much better life can get when you can work from anywhere.
  • You want the freedom and flexibility to live life on your terms; whether that’s traveling, spending more time with loved ones, or reclaiming the hours (and money) wasted commuting every day. 
  • You’re ready to work for a company that fully embraces remote work, so you can finally create a lifestyle that lets you enjoy a slow morning coffee, see your loved ones more, take mid-day naps, or hop on a plane at a moment's notice.

If you're thinking...

❌ "I just need to submit more resumes"… you’d be wrong

❌ "Well, I don’t have the right skills"… you’d be wrong

❌ "There’s too much competition. I don't have a chance standing out"… you’d be wrong

Landing a remote job isn’t about submitting more resumes or acquiring new skills.

Most people are using the traditional, outdated method to try and get a remote job. They find a job, submit their resume, and pray they hear back. But it’s the 21st century and this "apply-and-pray" method no longer works. You need a strategy that actually works.

To successfully land a remote job it's about knowing how to effectively communicate your value in a compelling way that employers can’t resist; and using methods the average job seeker doesn't use, to get an edge on the competition and give you top-of-pile status when applying to remote jobs.

Bridge into argument

What if you could

Have your inbox was filled with, "Congratulations! You’ve been invited for an interview," and you didn't have to send out 100s of resumes to make it happen.
  • Finally take the steps towards making your remote job dream a reality... instead of going in circles, drowning in overwhelm, and enviously watching others live out their dream life on Instagram (when you know that should be your life too).
  • ​Confidently communicate your value in an irresistible way, always leaving an impression on hiring managers (making you the obvious choice) without having to spend time or money up-leveling your skills.
  • ​Finally hand in your 2-week notice because you’ve landed a remote job that you love *eek happy dance 💃
  • ​Experience the relief of your first “roll out of bed in your PJs while starting work” moment and the joy that comes with working for an employer that believes great work can be done from anywhere in the world. 
No need to pinch yourself. This isn’t a pipe dream. 

Just because you don’t understand how to get a remote job (yet), doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You just need some guidance on how to get there. 

This is why I’ve constructed a proprietary framework that takes professionals who are trapped in a 9-5 office role
and helps them successfully secure remote jobs so they can experience the freedom and flexibility of living life on their own terms.

Their Greatest Triumph Opportunity (option 1)

But first, let me ask you...

As a professional, whose entire life revolves around work

Isn’t it time you experienced the freedom and flexibility of a remote job?

As an ambitious professional, who has put in an immense amount of time and energy into your career, isn’t it time you experienced the freedom and flexibility of a remote job?

You deserve to be trusted to work remotely from anywhere - to reclaim your time back from the dreaded commute, to be acknowledge for your hard work, independent of whether or not you’re in an office, and to work for a company who fully embraces the freedom of working remotely from anywhere in the world.

You deserve to wake up every morning to a slow sip of coffee, spending time with loved ones or heck, jumping on a plane at a moments notice for the ultimate workaction because you’ve worked hard and deserve the flexibility of a remote job.

In a moment, I’m going to show you how to FINNALLY tip the odds in your favor. But first, a few key things you gotta let soak in….

But first, let me ask you...

As a professional, who has successfully landed traditional jobs before 

you SHOULD be able to land a remote job, right?

You deserve to see the fruits of your labor – to wake up to email notifications that you’ve been invited to another interview, to get “top of the pile status”, and to get remote job offers from companies who fully embrace the freedom of working remotely from anywhere in the world.

You deserve to feel like the skilled, ambitious professional that you are instead of a perpetual job seeker – jumping from one strategy or tactic to another, hoping that this next job search tip, “will be the one” that lands you the remote job.

In a moment, I’m going to show you how to FINALLY tip the odds in your favor. But first, a few key things you gotta let soak in….

Their Greatest Triumph Opportunity (option 2)

Argument - Their Greatest Triumph Opportunity

But first, let me ask you...

As someone trapped in the 9-5 office whose entire life revolves around work... 

you know that great work be done from anywhere, and not just the office, right?

You’re not asking alot you just want the flexibility to work from where you want, all without sacrificing years of your life commuting to an office.

✔️ You want to be able to visit your loved ones without needing a permission slip from your boss to use vacation time.

✔️ You want to be able to book a dentist appointment without having to take half a day off work. 

✔️ You want to have the peace of mind of knowing that you could jump on a flight at a moment's notice because you feel like working from a warm island and for your boss to be totally ok with it (because they’re also working from a warm island).

At this point in your life, you know there’s more to life than work. You’re hardworking and are all about growing a career, but it doesn’t need to take over your life. 

You’re hardworking and are all about growing a career, but it doesn’t need to take over your life. 

It’s not too much to ask to be trusted to get your job done remotely. I mean, come on, Covid has proven remote work is possible.

Claim, Proof, Belief

Claim Proof Belief

Landing a remote job isn't an achievement reserved for a few select people

People with all types of different backgrounds have landed their first remote job using the framework you'll learn inside The Remote Career Accelerator®. And you have what it takes to land a remote job, too.
👉 Take Denis who was older with a career gap he didn’t want to commute in the long LA traffic... he landed a remote job. 
👉 Or Paula, a recent grad from the Dominican Republic and English was her second language... she landed a remote job.  

👉 Or Kayla, who had professional experience and wanted to grow her career remotely so she could live abroad... she landed a remote job.

✅ Since 2013, remote jobs have grown by 1,150.2%!"

Covid has proved just how possible remote work is. WeWorkRemotely, a popular site for posting remote-only jobs reported, “We’ve typically seen an average of 25% growth year over year. In 2018-2019, we saw a 40% jump in remote job postings. That means, since 2013, remote jobs have grown by 1,150.2%!" (source).

You know it's possible.

✅ It is Possible to Get a remote job using skills you already have

 In fact, about 50% of the clients I serve make a career change while landing their first remote job and the other 50% keep the same career path. So whether you keep the same career path or change career paths, landing a remote job is possible.

🫵 You have the skills to work remotely, you just need to know how to communicate them.
Take Dayna who went from teaching in the classroom ➡️ and landed a remote job as a recruiter.
Or Ty who went from an automotive technician ➡️ and landed a remote job in a customer success role.

✅ The competition is irrelevant, if you Know how to stand out

 You can make an impression with remote employers and stand out, beyond just submitting applications. Take Miles for example. He applied for a remote job and the hiring manager said...

“Out of 165 candidates you were the only one that stood out.” 

✅ You can land a remote job, without Sending out 100s of resumes.

 Submitting resumes is only one part of the job search process yet job applicants mistakenly rely on it. Most people aren’t aware that there are creative ways to stand out so they can spend less time on the remote job search and get more results.

Take Tyler who landed a remote job after JUST two applications

He swears by the Unicorn Application Method you'll learn inside RCA. He says,

“I wholeheartedly believe that I would have never even had that first interview if I wouldn’t have (used the unicorn application method). I would have never in a bajillion years thought (of it). It gave me the confidence that this is going to work." - Tyler G
99% of job applicants are using, old, outdated methods for landing a remote job. They think they just need to submit as many resumes as possible. However, with the right remote job strategy, you don't need to send out 100s of applications. In fact, you can get more results, in less time, by implementing the right strategies.

Foster Self Forgiveness Option 1

Foster Self Forgiveness (Option 1 of 2)

Here are 3 Absolute LIES you MUST let go of right now if you want to...

Get more job interviews and wins in the next 12 weeks than you did all of last year.

"I’ve scoped out all the remote job boards, re-did my resume and went down the rabbit hole of how to land a remote job and with everything I’ve learned and all the remote jobs I’ve applied to nothing seems to be working."

You’re care about landing a remote job. You’ve been willing to put the time, energy, and effort into getting one – that’s a GOOD thing. Taking action is a key component to successfully getting a remote job, and you’ve already got that! 

Despite you’re best efforts, you aren’t seeing success – it’s NOT your fault that you’re in this *very* common position.

No one ever taught you how to land a job, let alone a remote job. 

So you’ve been left to figure out what you need to do and perhaps default to using some outdated methods a.k.a. sending out a bunch of resumes and hoping something sticks. 

But you need a holistic roadmap to guide you from A-Z through the process. One that takes into account your unique situation, skills and goals.

And we’re going to get you there using this proven roadmap + thriving with the remote job search.

“Taking the time to get a remote job is going to be hard and time-consuming… I’ve already feel like submitting my resume is a waste of time sometimes.”

“Taking the time to get a remote job is going to be hard and time-consuming… I’ve already feel like submitting my resume is a waste of time sometimes.”

First off: You’re not alone. Of course you don’t want to waste more time and energy applying to remote jobs when you’re met with rejection after rejection. 

Trying to land a remote job, especially while working full time is why you feel like you’re in constant sprint mode -- wasting precious time and energy trying to get more resumes submitted.

But landing a remote job does NOT have to come at the expense of being all consuming, keeping you up at night tossing and turning, wondering how many more resumes you’ll have to submit before you find success. 

You’ve been using a scatter gun approach to land a remote job instead of using a holistic roadmap to take you from trapped in the office to working remotely from anywhere in the world.  

With the right system and approach + your dedication, you can get more results, in less time, because you’re moving with intention. This means getting a remote jbo without sending out 100s of resume, all while still being able to enjoy your weekends. 

“I’m fearful that I am not qualified enough to apply for some remote jobs. It fells overwhelming to apply for more remote jobs because I feel I may get the same response – more rejections.”

It’s time to relieve yourself from the fear and overwhlem about whether you’re qualified to get a remote job. 

You could be the most talented person in the world, but if you don’t know how to effectively communicate your value - you’ll keep getting rejection after rejection. 

Communicating your value to remote employers is like speaking a different language. 

You’ve been trying to share your skills in Italian, when the remote employer speaks French. You’re speaking two different language.

Your skills are not the issue. Your skills are simply getting lost in translation.  

Take a deep, calming breathe and know that you already have the skills needed to get a remote job. You just need to speak the language of ‘remote work’ and our proprietary framework shows you exactly how.

Foster Self Forgiveness (Option 2 of 2)

➡️ Here are 3 limiting beliefs you MUST let go of right now if you want to...

Get more job interviews and offers in the next 12 weeks than you did all of last year 

Myth #1: Applying to remote jobs is like sending your resume into the abyss 😖

You care about landing a remote job. You’ve been willing to put in the time – that’s a GOOD thing. However, you’ve been left to figure out what you need to do and perhaps default to using some outdated methods.

But despite your best efforts, you aren’t seeing success. I'm here to tell you that it's NOT your fault. This is a * very * common position people find themselves in because no one ever taught us how to land a job—let a lone a remote job. 

So you’ve been left to figure out what you need to do and perhaps default to using some outdated methods.

What you need is a holistic roadmap to guide you from A-Z through the process. One that takes into account your unique situation, skills, and goals.

Myth: #2 Getting a remote job is hard and time-consuming 😩

Perhaps you've already invested so much into the job search. Of course, you don’t want to waste more time and energy applying to remote jobs when you’re met with rejection after rejection. 

Trying to land a remote job can feel like you’re in constant sprint mode.

But landing a remote job does NOT have to be hard or time-consuming, keeping you up at night tossing and turning, wondering how many more resumes you’ll have to submit before you find success. 

You’ve been using a scattergun approach to land a remote job instead of using a proven, holistic roadmap to take you from being trapped in the office to working remotely from anywhere in the world.  

With the right system and approach + your dedication, you can get more results, in less time, because you’re moving with intention. This means getting a remote job without sending out 100s of resumes, all while still being able to enjoy your weekends. 

Myth #3: You need to be super smart to even stand a chance at getting a remote job 🤓

It’s time to relieve yourself from the fear and overwhelm about whether you’re qualified to get a remote job. 

You could be the most talented person in the world, but if you don’t know how to effectively communicate your value - you’ll keep getting rejection after rejection. 

Communicating your value to remote employers is like speaking a different language. You’ve been trying to share your skills in Italian when the remote employer speaks French. You’re speaking two different languages.

Your intellect is not the issue. Your skills are simply getting lost in translation.  

Take a deep, calming breath, and know that you already have the skills needed to get a remote job. 
But what if the process of landing a remote job didn’t have to feel like an emotional roller coaster, getting whiplash from all the ups and downs, twists and turns?
And what if...

There was a roadmap, or GPS rather, that guides you from point A (your current office job) to point B (your first remote job) all on cruise control? 😌

What if instead of grabbing at every new workshop, resource, or tip plastered on the internet and trying to piece it all together, you were able to get there, step-by-step?

Unique Mechanism

How is this possible?

The most straightforward way to get a remote job is with the RCA 6-pillar framework 👩‍💻 👨‍💻

The reason this framework is so powerful is that it uniquely leverages the most modern methods and strategies for an impactful and streamlined remote job search process, positioning you as a top-tier candidate through effective messaging and making the competition irrelevant.

It's been proven that when this framework is applied properly…

Professionals can turn their hopeless, haphazard job search strategy ➡️ into a structured, intentional process to land a remote job.

In this program, you will learn from an “in the trenches” remote career coach who has been through the journey of leaving the 9-5 to go remote and will teach you the method she's used to guide countless others to securing the remote job of their dreams.

You will plan, execute, and optimize an integrated remote job search strategy that gets you noticed, locks in more interviews, and helps you secure your desired position.

The RCA 6 Pillar Framework is a COMPLETE, step-by-step system designed to help you successfully land a remote job

Step 1: Translate your existing skills into a dreamy remote job. Who are going to be coming in to a new, optimized process in real time so we can test things out / and they can have a more premium experience out of the gate!

Step 2: Communicate your value in the most irresistible way and Unleash your Confidence. meaning no more finger-pointing and ball-dropping, only complete flow and warm-hand-offs from team member to team member 

Step 3: Find Your Remote Job Match! How to find remote career opportunities that are the right-fit for you, before you invest all time and energy applying, so you don’t waste time and energy on opportunities that lead nowhere. 

Step 4: Meet your new virtual besties & Recession proof your career. It’s WHO you know, not what you know. Go from "What do I say?" to confident connector. Successfully network in a virtual world. You’ll know where to look, what to say, and how to get insider referrals and access to hidden remote opportunities.

Step 5: The Unicorn Application. Your secret weapon for more interviews and remote job offers! Unicorns! They're rare, they stand out, and everyone loves them. So, how do we make remote employers feel the same about you? This process will show you how to get employers to beg you to work for them!


Hey! I'm Kate Smith, 
your new remote career coach

Former burnt-out 9-5'er, turned remote work world traveler ✈️

I'm the girl behind The Remote Career Accelerator®. I've helped countless professionals break free of the 9-5 and create more freedom and flexibility in their lives by teaching them how to successfully land a remote job.

My expertise has been featured on BBC, Bloomberg, Fast Company, Bloomberg, LA Times, CNN, CBC, Atlas Obscura, Glassdoor, and more. I was named top 50 remote work innovators and even worked with the country of Estonia to create the world’s first digital nomad visa! 

I've been working remotely while traveling the world since June 2015. After getting laid off from my corporate 9-5 job in advertising as a Project Manager, I landed a full-time remote job in Marketing. Yes, I've personally been through this journey too.

Now, as a remote career coach, I'm on a mission to help more people achieve more freedom so they can live more fulfilling lives. It's what I believe to be my life's purpose. Freedom is my #1 personal value in life, and I'm here to help as many people as I can to experience more of it.

Look, I get how frustrating, confusing, overwhelming, and even lonely, trying to land a remote job can be. When I went through the process, I knew there had to be an easier path. So I created the solution — the Remote Career Accelerator®. This tried and true program is guaranteed to help you learn the most optimized and strategic process to landing a remote job with ease.

You in?

I was once where you are this very second...

Dragging myself out of bed before the sun came up 🥱, wasting time commuting in traffic, and relying on coffee... lots of coffee, just to make it through another day at the office. 

Queue the "repeat button". Days started looking the same and the desire for freedom grew bigger and bigger. I was stuck in the 9-5.

I was burnt out, overworked, and needed a change. 

I had only been in corporate for a few years, but I knew I couldn't do it the rest of my life. That's when I decided to save up to quit my 9-5. However, my boss unknowingly beat me to it and I was laid off. I knew what I wanted in my next job — the ability to travel, make money and not sit at a desk all day. It seemed like a heafty, perhaps impossible, undertaking but worth the try. Soon after, I heard of this "remote work" concept. Immediately I knew, THIS is my next move. So, I booked a one-way flight to Prague and dropped all my savings on a program in hopes of becoming a remote woker. I had one month to figure it out, before my savings vanished. Time was of the essence.

I struggled. Like, a lot.

I couldn't find a remote job. It was frustrating and a huge blow to the ego. Something seemed different about landing a remote job compared to a traditional job, but I couldn't figure it out. The longer I spent abroad, the more my savings dwindled and the more desperate I became. Then, my laptop died. As I stood there crying I knew I had a choice, to give up on remote work and go back home to Canada or figure it out.

I chose to figure it out. 

I started to realize all the things I was doing wrong and changed up my approach. With just a few weeks left, I landed a full-time remote job. Talk about a close call. 😅 I spent my first year traveling the world, followed by a move to Bali. 🌴 People took notice of my lifestyle and soon I was flooded with messages asking, "How can I land a remote job too?" This inspired me to become a remote career coach. 

My journey was challenging, inefficient and required a lot of trial and error. The good news? It doesn't have to be that way for you. You can get access to the exact formula for successfully landing a remote job. It's a process that I've refined over years of helping countless clients land remote jobs. The process requires you to put in the work, of course, but it can be done with confidence, ease, and in less time than trying to figure it out on your own. That's why I created The Remote Career Accelerator™, to guide you step-by-step through the process of successfully landing a remote job. By joining, you'll know that you're fully supported and taking purposeful action that will create the results you want — a remote job!

Landing a remote job changed my life. It gave me the freedom and flexibility to live life on my terms. 

And now I want to help you create the same freedom...

Testimonials Throughout Argument Option 1

Testimonials Throughout Argument Option 2

Offer Reveal

👩‍💻 It's time to get your laptop ready, passport renewed, and PJs on, to welcome you to...

The Remote Career Accelerator®

It's the most comprehensive program on how to successfully land a remote job.Designed with an easily-digestible format, The Remote Career Accelerator® will:
✅ Give you a step-by-step strategy that's clear and easy to follow—allowing you to show up confidently, save time, and make a lasting impression on remote employers.

✅ Surround yourself with a community of cheerleaders and coaches who will support you every step of the way.

✅ Give you access to personalized support and guidance so you can feel confident in your journey

​✅ Allow you to focus your time and get results-driven access because of the detailed 6 core modules and done-for-you templates, real-life examples, checklists, networking scripts (and more)

✅ Set you up for the opening of the "We'd love to interview you!" floodgates

Meet Kayla who landed a remote job in 90 days and is earning more than ever

You caught that, right? 

🤩 Kayla landed a full-time remote job (in just 90-days) using the exact methods taught inside The Remote Career Accelerator®

And I'm going to help you do the same. 


Gain massive clarity on the best remote career path for you, using skills you already have

... AND that checks the boxes of your wants and needs (yes you can go remote and LOVE your job too!)

It's time to get intentional so we can stay laser-focused and intentional with the remote job search!


Effectively communicate your skills in the most irresistible way...

 so that remote employers see you as a top-tier candidate. 

YOU control the narrative of how you and your skills are perceived. It's time to make you the obvious choice, every time.


Identify and find right-fit remote job opportunities...

 that align with your skills and wants (whether it's incredible company culture, $$ etc).

You'll save massive amounts of time and energy

No more wasting time applying to remote jobs that lead nowhere.


Time to form your gang of remote besties!

Authentically create a strong network of remote contacts with ease so you can get access to hidden job opportunities, get insider referrals and take full control over your career now and in the future, because you've got a network of besties to lean on.

👀 Here's what's waiting for you inside... 

Offer Tour - Module 1. Option 1. LONG VERSION

Offer Tour - Module 1. Option 2. LONG VERSION (EXPAND/COLLAPSE)


Module 1. Get Career Path Clarity

Translating your existing skills into a dreamy remote job 

LIKE GOLDILOCKS AND THE 3 BEARS, YOU’LL FIND A REMOTE career path to pursue, based on your skills and goals, THAT'S JUST RIGHT. 😌

You wouldn’t set sail on a voyage without knowing your destination, right? This oh-so-simple and easy-to-follow process eliminates decision fatigue and helps you pick the right career path using skills you already have. You will:
  • ​Ditch the apply-and-pray strategy, because, let’s be honest, how has that been going for you?
  • ​Eliminate the overwhelm of, “What remote job is best for me?" 
  • ​Understand your value and realize, "I actually do have the skills for this!” Spoiler alert: It's been there the whole time! You just need some guidance finding it. Talk about a confidence boost! 🚀

 ⬇️ Understand Remote Work Like A Pro

It's time to remove the mystery of remote work and get a crystal clear, understanding of what remote work is like. Like a bird flying into the window, it's so clear, clear.

✔ The different types of remote work and how to pick which one is best for you

✔ ​What it's actually like to work for a remote company

​✔ Where companies hire from and what to do if you're based outside of the US

​✔ Remote working hours and different levels of flexibility

✔ Remote work culture and how it's different from the 9-5

 ⬇️ Create Your Remote Job Wishlist

Discover the world of YOU all while dreaming up what you want in your next role. You'll discover: 

✔ The world of you. Before we find you a remote job we need to understand YOU. Our assessments will help you identify and pick a remote role with intention

✔ ​Establish your needs and wants for your remote role using our assessment worksheets so you can ​pick a role with intention and alignment

📝 Bonus Worksheets!

​​▢ The self-assessment guidebook to help you discover the best-fit career path for you.

 ⬇️ Discover Your Skills and Value

Discover the unique skill set that you can offer a remote employer (even the ones you didn't realize you had). 

✔ The 5 types of core skills 

✔ ​Discovering your core skills

📝 Worksheet! 

▢ The skill builder worksheet

 ⬇️ Remote Career Path Clarity

Understand your remote career path options with ultimate clarity. With our thorough research, there will be no surprises here. You'll know exactly what you're getting yourself into before spending time and energy pursuing a career path. Learn:

✔ The most popular remote jobs (and others to consider)

​✔ Establishing your top remote job picks 

​✔ Informational interviews for ultimate clarity

What your career path will actually look like before you invest time and energy pursuing it. Because the last thing you want is to get hired for a remote job only to find out it's nothing like you imagined!

📝 Workbooks! 

▢ The comprehensive informational interview workbook
▢ Informational interview checklist

 ⬇️ Pick Your Perfect Remote Job

It's time to swipe right on the perfect remote job for you! This is where we bring together everything we've learned about your skills, wants, and desires, and identify the best remote job for you, to ensure you stay laser-focused with your remote job search. You'll:

✔ Pick your career path using the V.C.A.P method. 

✔ You’ll decide if you want to keep the same career path or make a career change using skills you already have

​✔ Deep-dive understanding of your new role (no surprises here) 
​✔ Identifying your dream remote companies 

📝 Bonus Workbook!

​​​ The career path clarity workbook – it walks you through the V.C.A.P method. Simply follow the guidebook and upon completion, it'll reveal the best remote job for you.

Offer Tour - Module 1. Option 3. MEDIUM VERSION

Offer Tour - Module 1. Option 4. SHORT VERSION

Matt wasn’t sure how his variety of skills and experience translated to a remote job. He landed a remote job and says, “It was definitely worth every penny. It’s helped me in so many different ways.”

I would recommend The Remote Career Accelerator ten times out of ten. 100%… 120% it was worth every penny. I created confidence. It’s helped me in so many different ways from replying to jobs, communicating my value, and expanding my network. There are so many things this program offers for anyone at any point in time in their career journey. Go for it. It’s totally worth it and you won’t be disappointed.”
- Matt, RCA Student (USA)
Matt wasn’t sure how his variety of skills and experience translated to a remote job.
He landed a remote job and shares, "I created confidence. It’s helped me in so many different ways from replying to jobs, communicating my value, and expanding my network."

- Matt, RCA Student (USA)
“I was struggling with articulating my experience... and I was confused which career path would be good for me."
 "It really boosted my confidence and made me focus. Now I know how to articulate my experience and it will stay with me for my life. I'd 100% recommend RCA." 

- Sagar, RCA Student (India) 
"At the beginning, I had this mentality my marketing experience wasn’t enough" 
"I realized I have beyond enough experience. I had imposter syndrome. Now I really feel like I can now get the job I want. I have a structure to follow, saving me a lot of time." 

- Andrea A (Ecuador) 

 Module 2. Option 1: Expand/Collapse. LONG VERSION.

Positioning Your Value 

Look, you wouldn’t set sail on a voyage without knowing your destination, right? Well, maybe you would but no one wants to spend 6 months going in circles. Get ready for…
  • Identifying Key 
  • ​Themes Value statement 
  • ​Your core achievements 
  • ​Online Presence Audit
  • ​Email Signature 
📝 Bonus Workbook!

​​​The career path clarity workbook that will walks you through the V.C.A.P method. Simply follow the guidebook – upon completion you'll reveal the best remote job for you.

Crafting Your Jaw-Dropping Top-Tier Resume

Look, you wouldn’t set sail on a voyage without knowing your destination, right? Well, maybe you would but no one wants to spend 6 months going in circles. Get ready for…
  • The 6 Laws of Resume Writing 
  • ​Resume Builder Framework
  • ​Beat the bots 
  • ​Power statement framework to Writing Impactful Bullet Points 
  • ​How to show multiple positions at the same company 
  • ​Showing remote work experience, if you’ve never worked remotely
  • ​ How to avoid ageism
  • ​Addressing career gaps in your resume
📝 Bonus Workbook!

Resume Examples
  • ​​The step-by-step resume builder guide.
  • ​ATS friendly resume templates, proven to work.
  • ​The 'don't-miss-a-thing' Remote Resume Checklist so you never need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)
  • ​​(x6) Real-Life Resume Examples for ultimate inspo 🤩
  • ​​Power Statement Formula for Writing Bullet Points that Pack Punch and Wow Hiring Managers.
  • ​The 6 laws of Resume Writing Worksheet to keep you resume in top-of-pile status.
  • ​​The R.G.I.I method worksheets – your key to creating a compelling resume that appeals to remote employers (and that most job seekers miss).

Module 2. Create High-Value Visibility

Communicate your value in the most irresistible way


You can be the most talented person in the world (and we know you are), but if you don't know how to effectively communicate your value, you can be overlooked for opportunities. You'll:
  • ​Learn to speak the same language as remote employers so your value doesn't get "lost in translation", making you the obvious choice
  • ​Communicate your value in a compelling, authentic way so you can show up confidently, every time
  • ​Create an irresistible presence so remote employers start reaching out to YOU 

 ⬇️ Discover & Position Your Value 

​Communicate your value in such a compelling way that it makes you the obvious choice. 

✔  Understanding what skills, experience, and value you should showcase to stand out

✔  Value statement to powerfully articulate your worth

✔ ​ Identify your core achievements that are relevant to your desired role

✔ ​ Online presence audit to keep a squeaky clean, professional online presence

✔ ​ Impactful email signatures 

📝 Bonus Worksheet and Templates!

​​​▢ Email signature template

▢ Value statement framework

▢ Showcase worksheet

 ⬇️ Create a High-Value Presence 

Develop a captivating and confident personal presence that makes you the "must-hire" applicant. It's like your "it girl" erm "it guy?" moment.

 Your presence is known, people can't help but notice you, and everyone wants to be your new work colleague.

✔  Creating a high-value online presence that has recruiters flocking to you, everyone wanting to be your new work bestie, and hiring managers thinking you're the obvious choice

​✔  What to showcase and when

​✔  Visibility planner to increase your online visibility and get noticed by remote companies

📝 Bonus Worksheet and Templates!

​​​▢ Email signature template

 ⬇️ A Jaw-Dropping Top-Tier Resume

Press "delete" on your old resume that, at best, collected lots of "virtual" dust. Instead, you'll create a resume so good, your inbox fills up with “you’ve been invited for an interview” 😍 

✔  The 6 Laws of Resume Writing to transform your resume from blah to brilliant

✔  ​Resume Builder Framework

✔  ​Beat the application tracking system bots so your resume makes it to a real human​

✔  ​The 3-part power statement framework to transform your bullet points into a wordsmith mastery. Follow the formula and watch the magic happen! ✨ 

​​​✔  Make sure your resume sounds good and includes the right information using the R.G.I.I method. Most job applicants miss this!

​✔  How to show multiple positions at the same company for ease and flow

✔  ​Showing your ability to work remote and remote work experience, even if you’ve never worked remotely before

​✔  How to avoid ageism so your resume focuses on your incredible talent and skills, instead of age

​✔  Confidently addressing career gaps in your resume 

​​✔  Fast-track the process for sending out more high-quality resumes, in less time. We knew there had to be an easier way for applying for jobs, without compromising quality. This is when the Rocket Application Framework was born. And you'll get full access to the ultimate time-saving system

📝 Top-Tier Resume Worksheets + Templates

  • ​The step-by-step resume builder guide
  • ​The "got the job" resume template, specific to remote job
  • ​ATS friendly resume templates, proven to work
  • ​The 'don't-miss-a-thing' Remote Resume Checklist so you never need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)
  • ​​(x6) Real-Life Resume Examples for ultimate inspo 🤩
  • ​​Power Statement Formula for Writing Bullet Points that Pack Punch and Wow Hiring Managers
  • ​The 6 laws of Resume Writing Worksheet to keep your resume in top-of-pile status
  • ​​The R.G.I.I method worksheets – your key to creating a compelling resume that appeals to remote employers (and that most job seekers miss)

 ⬇️ Your Legendary LinkedIn Profile

​Create an optimized LinkedIn profile so good that your LinkedIn connection requests grow like wild-fire and recruiters blow up your DMs 🤩 

✔  ​​​​Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at how recruiters source candidates using LinkedIn (and it's not what you think)... so you can get found more easily 🤫

✔ The LinkedIn blueprint guide to creating a legendary LinkedIn profile

​✔  Get your LinkedIn profile to show up in more search results using the R.O.E framework so recruiters can find you and reach out to you instead of you chasing them!

​​✔  Use the LinkedIn Trifecta framework to get top-tier profile status

​​✔  The 6-step framework for writing a captivating about section to stand out from candidates 

​✔   Insider look at how recruiters find candidates on LinkedIn

✔ ​Creating credibility on LinkedIn​

✔  ​​The T.V.R plug-and-play framework for crafting an impactful LinkedIn headline 

✔  ​​BTS scenes of real-life top-tier LinkedIn profile examples.

📝 The Ultimate LinkedIn Workbook

  • T.V.R Template for creating a ​high-value visibility headline that captures the attention of recruiters + examples
  • ​About section framework + examples
  • LinkedIn ​banner template
  • ​Top-Tier LinkedIn Profile Checklist
  • ​Recommendation Request Templates
Resumes Worksheets + Templates
  • ​​The step-by-step resume builder guide 
  • ​ATS friendly resume templates, proven to work
  • ​The 'don't-miss-a-thing' Remote Resume Checklist so you don't need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)
  • ​​(x6) Real-Life Resume Examples for ultimate inspo
  • ​​Power Statement Formula for Writing Bullet Points that Pack Punch and Wow Hiring Managers
  • ​​The R.G.I.I method worksheets which are key to creating a compelling resume that appeals to remote employers (and that most job seekers miss)
LinkedIn Worksheets + Templates
  • ​​The LinkedIn blueprint guide 
  • ​​The Top-Tier LinkedIn Profile Checklist
  • ​The T.V.R plug-and-play framework for crafting an impactful LinkedIn headline + real-life examples
  • ​The 6-step framework for writing a captivating about section + real-life examples
  • ​BTS scenes of real-life LinkedIn profile examples of top-tier LinkedIn profiles

Resume and LinkedIn that "wows"

During these lessons you’ll learn how to:
  • Press "delete" on your old resume that, at best, collected lost of "virtual" dust and instead creating a resume so good, your inbox fills up with “you’ve been invited for an interview” 😍
  • ​Use the 3-part power statement framework to take your bullet points from “blah”, at best, and transform it into a wordsmith mastery without having to be a word smith. Simply follow the formula and watch the magic happen! ✨ 
  • ​​R.G.I.I method for making sure your resume doesn't just sound good, but includes the right information that remote employers are looking for... that most job applicants miss.
  • ​The fast-track system for sending out more high quality resumes, in less time.
  • How to beat the application tracking system bots so your resume makes it to a real human​
  • ​How to show remote work experience, even if you’ve never worked remotely before
  • Use the LinkedIn Trifecta framework to get top-tier profile status.
  • ​The LinkedIn 'All-Star' Formula actually includes three secret formulas, in one! Up until now, these were only ever available for our private clients. This is the ultimate game changer for creating an 'All-Star' profile.
  • ​Get your LinkedIn profile to show up in more search results using the R.O.E framework so recruiters can find you and reach out to you instead of you chasing them!

Module 2. Option 2: Original

 Module 2. Option 1: Expand/Collapse. SHORT VERSION.

 I'm super, super confident. 
"I wanted a remote job because I wanted something that was more flexible. There was a lot of information out there but it wasn't helping me... It was frustrating and confusing.

Now, I'm super, super confident. I already have recommended The Remote Career Accelerator® and I would continue to do so. Because it's a holistic course. It's not just learning how to write a cover letter or write your resume. It teaches you much more than that. 

Kate goes above and beyond for her students. So definitely 100% would recommend RCA. You get more than what you pay for. I was really glad to have chosen this course. I'm really glad that I did it."

- Makisa, RCA Student (Trinidad and Tobago)
"It really helped me. I feel really confident now"
“Kate goes above and beyond for the people in her program. I don't see it as paying. I like the idea of investing in yourself and I think everyone needs to do this. You get so much more out of the program than what you pay for. I'm grateful to have gone on this journey."

- Sherelle T., RCA Student (Australia)

Offer Tour - Module 3

Module 3. Find 'Right Fit' Remote Job Opportunities 

It’s a Remote Job Match! 😍


Buh bye “apply and decline.” Learn how to find remote career opportunities that are the right fit for you, before you apply, so you don’t waste time and energy on opportunities that lead nowhere. Get your spy glasses on! Inside you’ll learn how to:
  • Learn where to find companies that hire remotely and my secret trick to finding out if a company is truly remote
  • ​​Easily determine if a remote job opportunity is the right fit for you, using the B.T.M. framework
  • ​Use the four-pillar strategy to make it easier and quicker to find high-quality, legitimate opportunities and diversify where you discover opportunities so you're not relying on only one source or platform
  • ​​Weed out “fake remote" companies that are only temporarily or hybrid remote to identify only truly remote companies
  • ​Confidently identify remote job scams so you don’t risk your time or money
  • ​Get remote jobs delivered directly to you automatically
📝 Bonus Resource!

​​​▢ The Ultimate List of Remote Companies – Includes 100+ fully remote companies, easily organized by level of remote, type of remote, industry, flexibility, and more, plus direct links to career pages. This resource alone will save you a massive amount of time.

Meet Dayna, who landed a fully remote job 
“It’s still hard to believe. I had this idea in my head for 2 or 3 years. I need someone to give me the steps and make it not so confusing. This remote job that I just landed is going to pay for the course, so obviously a great investment. I would absolutely recommend RCA. It’s more than just applying to jobs - there are other pieces too."

- Dayna C., RCA Student (United States/ Spain)

Update: Since the recording of this video Dayna has landed a permanent fully remote role.

 Module 4. Option 1: Expand Collapse

Module 4. Network for Remote Job Success

Meet your new virtual besties 


Relationships are the key to finding your dream remote job, and maximizing your job security. However, most people never learn how to network and stumble through it. After this module, you'll know exactly who to connect with and how to confidently connect with them in an authentic way. This can support your career goals in getting insider information about a company, access to hidden remote job opportunities, and getting referrals.
  • ​Go from "What do I say?" to confident connector so you can skyrocket your network of remote connections with ease
  • ​Learn the power of psychology to better connect with others, authentically, whether you're introverted or extraverted
  • ​Become a magnet for attracting the right people, in a virtual world. You’ll know where to look, what to say, and how to get insider referrals and access to hidden remote opportunities

 ⬇️ Remote Networking Secrets 

​Use the power of psychology so you can better authentically connect with others. Learn:

✔  The psychology of networking to better connect with others

​✔  The #1 secret to creating a strong network

​✔  How to become a person worth connecting to

📝 Bonus Workbook!

​​​LinkedIn content posting schedule and real-life examples

⬇️ Leverage Your Existing Network

Did you know you can leverage your existing networking to support you with your remote job search and it may not be the way you're thinking. Learn:

✔  ​How to authentically reconnect with old contacts that you may have neglected over the years and learn how those relationships can help you with the remote job search (it's not what you think and you may be surprised!) 

✔  ​Two H.S. approach to rebuilding relationships in an authentic way

📝 Bonus Workbook!

Tapping into your existing network scripts

 ⬇️  Create a Targeted, Thriving Remote Network

Get cozy on the couch and ready to network from the comfort of your home so you can skyrocket your network of remote connections with ease and confidence, all virtually.

✔  Where to find your new network of virtual besties

✔​  Tapping into insider networks for referrals and to identify hidden remote job opportunities

✔​  How to start, nurture and grow relationships in an authentic way 

✔​  Optimize your LinkedIn to rank in searches

✔  ​Creating high-value visibility with your desired network

✔  ​Conducting informational interviews with confidence

📝 Plus, Get these Done-For-You Networking Mastery Scripts and Templates...

Go from "what do I say" to confident connector. 

Ready to grow your network but struggle to find the right words? Create a powerful remote network, in less time, by using these done-for-you, customizable scripts, templates, and real-life examples. Including:

​​​▢ Network tracking worksheet

​​​▢ LinkedIn conversation starter scripts and real-life examples

​​​​​▢ LinkedIn DM scripts and email templates

​​​▢ Tapping into your existing network scripts

​​​▢ Daily networking checklist

​​​​▢ BTS real-life examples of LinkedIn DMs

But careful, these powerful scripts may cause your LinkedIn DMs and inbox to explode... ;) 

 Module 4. Option 2: Original

Module 4. Option 3: Summarized

Module 4. Option 4: How I originally had it at last launch (but just added the "get these templates" section)

Denis landed a fully remote job and can finally skip the  LA traffic.
It's been an exceptionally worthwhile program. I've done some other of these programs and this is easily the best, most concrete, and useful. I found it was completely worth it in every respect. 

I got was a structure on how to look for a job and concrete things about what to do... and a lot of what not to do as well. 

The program has absolutely helped me."

- Denis, RCA Student (United States)
Paula landed a remote job! And works from the comfort of her home in the Dominican Republic.
 "I felt lost. There was a lot of information on the internet, and I didn’t know where to start...

The Remote Career Accelerator helped me a lot. If you are someone that wants to transition from the 9-5 job into a remote one, do it with Kate and the Remote Career Accelerator® program. It is a complete, intensive program that is worth every penny. Take the plunge and invest in yourself."

- Paula D., RCA Student (Dominican Republic)

Module 2. High-Value Visibility

Discover your true value & communicate it in the most irresistible way.


It's not what you say, it's how you say it. You can be the most talented person in the world, but if you don't know how to effectively communicate your value, you can be overlooked for opportunities. Communicate your value in such a compelling way that it'll make you the obvious choice for remote employers, blowing the competition out of the water. Inside, you'll learn how to:
  • ​A jaw-dropping resume that makes employers think, "where have you been this whole time?!" 
  • ​👀 All eyes on you! An optimized LinkedIn profile so good that your LinkedIn connection requests grow like wild fire and recruiters are blowing up your DMs 🤩
  • ​​Develop a captivating and confident personal presence that makes you the "must-hire" applicant. It's like your "it girl" erm "it guy?" moment. Your presence is known, people can't help but notice you, and everyone wants to be your new work colleague.
  • ​Pressing "delete" on your old resume that, at best, collected lost of "virtual" dust and instead creating a resume so good, your calendar is full with interviews 😍
  • ​Taking your cover letter from something that just felt like extra work, for extra brownie points you may or may not get and knowing exactly what to write, how to write and weaving it together in the most captivating way.
  • ​Communicate your value in such a compelling way that employers start chasing you!


💥 ATS-Friendly Remote Resume Template

​💥 Remote Resume Checklist 

​💥 (x6) Real-Life Resume Examples

​💥 Power Statement Formula for  Writing Bullet Points that Pack Punch and Wow

​💥Cover Letter Template + Examples

Module 2. High-Value Visibility

Discover your true value & communicate it in the most irresistible way.


It's not what you say, it's how you say it. You can be the most talented person in the world, but if you don't know how to effectively communicate your value, you can be overlooked for opportunities. Communicate your value in such a compelling way that it'll make you the obvious choice for remote employers, blowing the competition out of the water. Inside, you'll learn how to:
  • ​A jaw-dropping resume that makes employers think, "where have you been this whole time?!" 
  • ​👀 All eyes on you! An optimized LinkedIn profile so good that your LinkedIn connection requests grow like wild fire and recruiters are blowing up your DMs 🤩
  • ​​Develop a captivating and confident personal presence that makes you the "must-hire" applicant. It's like your "it girl" erm "it guy?" moment. Your presence is known, people can't help but notice you, and everyone wants to be your new work colleague.
  • ​Pressing "delete" on your old resume that, at best, collected lost of "virtual" dust and instead creating a resume so good, your calendar is full with interviews 😍
  • ​Taking your cover letter from something that just felt like extra work, for extra brownie points you may or may not get and knowing exactly what to write, how to write and weaving it together in the most captivating way.
  • ​Communicate your value in such a compelling way that employers start chasing you!

Module 2. High-Value Visibility

Discover your true value & communicate it in the most irresistible way.


It's not what you say, it's how you say it. You can be the most talented person in the world, but if you don't know how to effectively communicate your value, you can be overlooked for opportunities. Communicate your value in such a compelling way that it'll make you the obvious choice for remote employers, blowing the competition out of the water. Inside, you'll learn how to:
  • ​A jaw-dropping resume that makes employers think, "where have you been this whole time?!" 
  • ​👀 All eyes on you! An optimized LinkedIn profile so good that your LinkedIn connection requests grow like wild fire and recruiters are blowing up your DMs 🤩
  • ​​Develop a captivating and confident personal presence that makes you the "must-hire" applicant. It's like your "it girl" erm "it guy?" moment. Your presence is known, people can't help but notice you, and everyone wants to be your new work colleague.
  • ​Pressing "delete" on your old resume that, at best, collected lost of "virtual" dust and instead creating a resume so good, your calendar is full with interviews 😍
  • ​Taking your cover letter from something that just felt like extra work, for extra brownie points you may or may not get and knowing exactly what to write, how to write and weaving it together in the most captivating way.
  • ​Communicate your value in such a compelling way that employers start chasing you!


💥 ATS-Friendly Remote Resume Template
​💥 Remote Resume Checklist 
​💥 (x6) Real-Life Resume Examples
​💥 Power Statement Formula for  Writing Bullet Points that Pack Punch and Wow
​💥Cover Letter Template + Examples


#1 Remote Resume Template
  • Avoid mistakes that get overlooked that could cost you the job.
  • ​No need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)
#2 Cover Letter Template + Examples
  • Avoid mistakes that get overlooked that could cost you the job.
  • ​No need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)
#2 Cover Letter Template + Examples
  • Avoid mistakes that get overlooked that could cost you the job.
  • ​No need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)

Module 2. High-Value Visibility

Discover your true value & communicate it in the most irresistible way.


It's not what you say, it's how you say it. You can be the most talented person in the world, but if you don't know how to effectively communicate your value, you can be overlooked for opportunities. Communicate your value in such a compelling way that it'll make you the obvious choice for remote employers, blowing the competition out of the water. Inside, you'll learn how to:


  • ​A jaw-dropping resume that makes employers think, "where have you been this whole time?!" 
  • ​👀 All eyes on you! An optimized LinkedIn profile so good that your LinkedIn connection requests grow like wild fire and recruiters are blowing up your DMs 🤩
  • ​​Develop a captivating and confident personal presence that makes you the "must-hire" applicant. It's like your "it girl" erm "it guy?" moment. Your presence is known, people can't help but notice you, and everyone wants to be your new work colleague.
  • ​Pressing "delete" on your old resume that, at best, collected lost of "virtual" dust and instead creating a resume so good, your calendar is full with interviews 😍
  • ​Taking your cover letter from something that just felt like extra work, for extra brownie points you may or may not get and knowing exactly what to write, how to write and weaving it together in the most captivating way.
  • ​Communicate your value in such a compelling way that employers start chasing you!

Module 2. High-Value Visibility

Discover your true value & communicate it in the most irresistible way.


It's not what you say, it's how you say it. You can be the most talented person in the world, but if you don't know how to effectively communicate your value, you can be overlooked for opportunities. Communicate your value in such a compelling way that it'll make you the obvious choice for remote employers, blowing the competition out of the water. Inside, you'll learn how to:
  • ​A jaw-dropping resume that makes employers think, "where have you been this whole time?!" 
  • ​👀 All eyes on you! An optimized LinkedIn profile so good that your LinkedIn connection requests grow like wild fire and recruiters are blowing up your DMs 🤩
  • ​​Develop a captivating and confident personal presence that makes you the "must-hire" applicant. It's like your "it girl" erm "it guy?" moment. Your presence is known, people can't help but notice you, and everyone wants to be your new work colleague.
  • ​Pressing "delete" on your old resume that, at best, collected lost of "virtual" dust and instead creating a resume so good, your calendar is full with interviews 😍
  • ​Taking your cover letter from something that just felt like extra work, for extra brownie points you may or may not get and knowing exactly what to write, how to write and weaving it together in the most captivating way.
  • ​Communicate your value in such a compelling way that employers start chasing you!
Remote Resume Template
  • Avoid mistakes that get overlooked that could cost you the job.
  • ​No need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)
Cover Letter Template
  • Avoid mistakes that get overlooked that could cost you the job.
  • ​No need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)
Cover Letter Examples
  • Avoid mistakes that get overlooked that could cost you the job.
  • ​No need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)


Remote Resume Templates + Checklist 

Take your resume from blah to top 1% of resumes (no remote work experience required!). Simply input your details into one of the resume templates to quickly create your first remote resume in a half the time. These aren't your typical, run of the mill, resume templates. These templates are:
  • Specific to remote jobs.
  • Proven to work! These are the exact templates that worked for others.
  • ​​ATS-friendly to help your resume “beat the bots” and get to an actual human.
You'll also access the exact resume checklist I use when reviewing client resumes to ensure they’re top quality 
  • Avoid mistakes that get overlooked that could cost you the job.
  • ​No need to pester friends or family to review your resume (again!)

 Bonus #1 - $297 Value

All eyes on you!

LinkedIn ‘All-Star’ Formula  

Ready to create an irresistible LinkedIn profile that gets more views, more connection requests, and a flood of DMs from recruiters?

The LinkedIn 'All-Star' Formula actually includes three secret formulas, in one! Up until now, these were only ever available for our private clients. This is the ultimate game changer for creating an 'All-Star' profile.

Module 5. The Unicorn Application 🦄

Your secret weapon for more interviews and remote job offers!

The secret formula to stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression with hiring managers

Unicorns! They're rare, they stand out, and everyone loves them. So, how do we make remote employers feel the same about you? This process will help you:
  • Make the competition irrelevant and leave a lasting impression on hiring managers so you can get more interviews and job offers and even turn "rejections" into job opportunities. (Yes, you read that right).
  • ​Interview with confidence and maximize your earning potential
  • ​Get employers to beg you to work for them by using methods the average job seekers don't use

But first, the receipts proving this actually works...

I have clients swear 'The Unicorn Application' method was key to their success in landing a remote job. here are some of the responses my clients have received from remote employers ⤵️

 ⬇️ Remote 'Fast Track' Application Process

Ready to send out more high-quality applications, in less time? Learn how to:

✔  Create rave-worthy references
✔  Determine when to apply for a role and if you qualify A.K.A know if you "meet enough requirements to apply"

✔  ​Use the Fast-Track system for sending out more high-quality applications in less time
✔  Track application submissions for ultimate organization
✔  Know when and how to follow up with employers
✔  Address rejections to your benefit (and even turn them into job offers)

📝 Bonus Workbook!
  • ​Reference request template
  • ​​Application tracking worksheet
  • ​​​​Application follow-up scripts + examples

⬇️ Craft a Compelling Cover Letter

Create a compelling cover letter to complement your resume and stand out from the crowd. Get access to:

✔  ​A proven framework for cover letter creation that is designed to differentiate you

✔  What to include for maximum impact so that hiring managers actually want to stop and read your cover letter

✔ What most job applicants get wrong about cover letters and what to do instead

📝 Bonus Workbook!
  • ​Requesting hiring managers information template and examples
  • ​​The plug-and-play cover letter template so you can send out more engaging cover letters in less time
  • ​​Real-life cover letter examples for ultimate inspiration

 ⬇️ Unicorn Application 🦄🤫

Unicorns are rare, they stand out, and everyone loves them. How do you make employers feel the same about you? This is our best-kept secret framework for creating a stand-out application that leaves an impression, gets interviews, and locks in job offers.

This is the same method that one of my 1:1 clients used to turn a rejection email into a job offer, and how another client landed a remote job after only 2 applications. 🤯

✔  Our 3-pillar secret system for standing out among the competition - includes framework, template, and examples

✔  ​Determining if and when you need a portfolio site including; portfolio site builder, the oh-so-simple tech stack, and writing impactful copy

📝 Bonus Workbook!
  • ​Unicorn application framework and templates
  • ​Real-life Unicorn Application examples
  • ​Portfolio site outline and template

⬇️ Post-Application Success Super-Changer

The application process doesn't end when you hit the "apply now" button and submit your resume. The ​Post-Application Super-Changer to Success Framework includes:

✔ The 2-part framework to use post-application to significantly stand out. 

✔ Combined with the unicorn application, get ready for a flow of job offers and interview invites 🚀

 ⬇️ Remote Job Interviews Made Easy

Ready to interview with ultimate confidence, without having to memorize a bunch of scripted responses? The interview is key to getting the job offer so instead of shying away, learn how you can prepare step-by-step to show up with ultimate confidence and make you the no-brainer choice! You'll learn:
✔  The typical interview process for remote jobs, the different types of interviews, and how to prepare for each style

✔  ​The 5 min interview prep - if you have these essentials prepared, you can master just about any interview

✔  ​The must-know questions to prepare for (no surprises here)

✔  ​Confidently address being laid off and career gaps
✔  Ensure all your tech is ready to support your interview (and the exact tech tools you need)
✔  Tips for interviewing virtually and the difference between interviewing for a 9-5 

✔  ​The P.P.F framework worksheet for answering the dreaded “tell me about yourself” question - except your answer will blow them away and sets a positive tone for the rest of the interview 
✔  Write memorable thank you notes that leave an impression 

​✔ The ​P.P.I.F Interview Method so you can interview for remote roles with confidence

📝 Interview Mastery Templates & Worksheets

  • ​50 common interview questions for remote jobs and how to answer them workbook
  • ​​5 minute interview prep workbook to master any interview with confidence
  • ​​Interview prep checklist P.P.F framework worksheet for answering “tell me about yourself” + real-life video example ​
  • ​20 mock interview questions worksheet to prep for your interview 
  • ​​Interview cheatsheet ​
  • ​20 questions you can ask the employer at the end of the interview​ organized by category (culture, company stability etc)
  • ​Thank you note template + real-life example

 ⬇️ Negotiate Salary with Confidence

Landing a remote job doesn't have to come with sacrficies. Maximize your earning potential and perks while going remote. You'll learn:
✔  ​Negotiation 101: The most important thing you need to know about negotiation to calm your nerves and have you show up confidently, every time
✔  R.O.R.C method for successful remote negotiations
✔  How to determine your fair salary range and market value

✔  ​Alternatives to negotiate, beyond salary

✔  ​Turning rejections into remote job opportunities

✔  ​Addressing rejections

📝 Bonus Workbook!
  • ​​Salary negotiation template + real-life example
  • ​List of 10 other perks you can negotiate beyond salary

Module 6. Mindset Mastery

Unleash your confidence 

Ready to Squash your fears and doubts and develop unshakeable confidence? 🚀 IT'S TIME TO LOVE YOURSELF AS MUCH AS KANYE LOVES HIMSELF 🫢 ... 

Have you ever been on the emotional roller coaster of trying to land a remote job? Bouncing between self-doubt and bursts of motivation?

Mastering your mindset is key to taming the noise and tapping into your most confident self. Learn how to:

 ⬇️ Unleash Your Confidence

Confidence is unspoken but can speak louder than words. Channel your inner confidence to instill confidence into remote employers that you're the best fit for the role.
✔  Increase your confidence when applying to remote jobs by overcoming fears and shattering limiting beliefs (the ones you might not even realize you have) that could be holding you back.
✔  The science of how you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind to succeed + the 4-part process you can implement daily to wire your brain for success.
✔  How to overcome the fear of failure so you can show up confidently in the remote job search.
✔  Methods and systems for effectively channeling your inner A-player so you show up every day fuelled with the energy and effort to put towards your remote job hunt.

✔​  How to shift from a victim mentality into a victor! Because you were born to win!

📝 Plus, get these Mind-Shifting Worksheets...

  • ​​Overcoming fears worksheet
  • ​Overcoming limiting beliefs worksheet
  • ​The power of your subconscious mind worksheet
"I feel a lot more confident and I have a much better system in place."
"RCA is more than worth it. Before I joined, I was having trouble with getting actual responses. It was frustrating. I put a lot of work into these resumes and when you don't hear anything back, it's crushing. I wanted to know where to focus my time to increase my chances. 

Now, I feel a lot more confident and I have a much better system in place.If you want to succeed, RCA is more than worth it."
- Chris, RCA Student (USA)
"I knew I made the right decision. You'll fast-track your remote career dreams."
"Honestly, if I didn’t work with Kate, I’d still be cruising the job boards on and off, getting disappointed about this quest for remote work, and shelving the idea altogether. 

Once I started working with Kate, I knew I made the right decision and I felt so much more positive about this whole experience of creating a new remote career. The one thing I loved about this program was having constant feedback and ideas directly from Kate.

If you’re serious about finally kickstarting your remote career, I’d definitely recommend this program [The Remote Career Accelerator® and working with Kate. You’ll get the clarity, focus, and partnership that you need to fast-track your remote career dreams." 

- Kerrian, RCA Student (Canada)

Whether you want to travel the world or spend more time with family and friends

Make 2025 the year you get a remote job

How amazing would it feel to have interviews lined up on the reg and job offers coming in hot? 🔥

Take a look at these:

Offer Tour - Module 5. Option 2: Same as expand/collapse (without the expand/collapse)

Offer Tour - Module 5. Option 2: How I originally had it (but just added the "get these templates" section)

Offer Tour - Module 6. Option 1: How I originally had it

Offer Tour - Module 6. Option 2: Expandable/Collapsable

By now you’re probably noticing this isn’t your typical program...

The Remote Career Accelerator® takes all the best content and materials that I've used over the last 7 years, to help people successfully land remote jobs, and condenses it into one powerful, step-by-step program.

💃 Are you ready to do the biggest happy dance ever, and experience results like these...

Want a sneak peek? 👀

  🥂Take a VIP Virtual Tour BTS

See what's inside The Remote Career Accelerator ® ⤵️

When you join The Remote Career Accelerator® you also get...

Access to these Value-Packed Bonuses

In addition to everything inside of The Remote Career Accelerator®, I’m also going to throw in five bonuses (valued over $2,000), for FREE, to give you a kickstart with landing your dream remote job, in less time!

    Bonus #1

    97 Companies the Hire Remotely Swipe File

    $97 VALUE

    Access a list of 97 companies that hire remotely, including company rating, if they hire from the US or worldwide, and direct links to their career pages.

      🖥️ Bonus #2

      (x2) Live Monthly Group Calls 

      $249 value

      During our live monthly Q&A calls you'll have the opportunity to ask your questions to ensure you feel fully supported on your journey to creating more freedom.

        🤩 Bonus #1

        Private Community Access

        $197 VALUE

        You won't have to take this remote journey alone. We will be right by your *virtual* side, every step of the way. Inside the private community portal, you'll have the opportunity to get your questions answered, specific to your unique situation and circumstances. Includes four months of access.

          💬 Bonus #2

          Weekly Wednesday Q&A Channel with Kate

          $397 value

          Every Wednesday Kate will be answering questions in the Q&A channel (inside the Private Community Portal) to ensure you feel fully supported. Includes four months of access.

            💻 Bonus #3

            Bi-Weekly Group Calls with Kate (8 calls total)

            $997 value

            Ready to feel fully supported? You're situation and skills are unique which means you need personalized support and feedback. Join Kate on the group call to connect with fellow students, and where she'll personally be addressing your questions and giving live feedback. Includes four months of access, 2 calls per month, 8 calls in total. If you can't make a call you can submit your questions in advance.
            The current call schedule is: Wed April 9 at 6:30 pm EST | Wed April 23 at 6:30 pm EST | Wed May 7 at 6:30 pm EST | Wed May 21 at 6:30 pm EST | Wed June 4 at 6:30 pm EST | Wed June 18 at 6:30 pm EST | Wed July 9 at 6:30 pm EST | Wed July 23 at 6:30 pm EST

              💻 Bonus #4

              Personal Resume Review

              $497 value

              Feel confident that your resume effectively communicates your value with an in-depth personal resume review. Typically personal resume reviews are only reserved for my 1:1 clients, given the time and depth involved in each review. However, I'm offering this limited-time bonus for everyone who joins RCA in this cohort. This means you may never see a bonus like this again. This includes up to three rounds of reviews to make sure you're feeling absolutely confident. And this isn't some fluffy review, we go in-depth, reviewing word by word and line by line. ✨ 

                🔥 Bonus #4

                97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File

                $97 value

                This swipe file will save you MASSIVE amounts of time when it comes to finding companies that hire remotely. All nicely organized by industry, company size, company rate, if they hire worldwide or US only and direct link to the career pages.

                  💥 Pay In Full Bonus 

                  Bonus 1:1 Remote Career Coaching Call with Kate

                  $249 value

                  Pay in full and get access to even more support with a 1:1 call with Kate – exclusive to pay-in-full students only. This is the most intimate way to get support with your remote job search. 🙌

                    💥 Pay In Full Bonus 

                    Bonus Group Q&A Call

                    $197 value

                    If you thought x2 group calls were exciting... wait until you see what we have in store for you! Pay in full and get access to even more support with an additional Q&A Group Call – exclusive to pay-in-full students only. This is the most intimate way to get support with your remote job search. 🙌

                      Pay In Full Bonus 

                      1:1 Remote Job Strategy Session with Kate

                      $249 value

                      PLUS when you pay in full, lock in a 1:1 career call with me (Kate) to create a custom remote career plan for you including addressing your biggest concerns and answering your most burning questions - when you pay in full - so you can start the program with ultimate clarity and direction.

                       Plus this incredible fast-acting bonus!

                      because we like to reward the action-takers. 

                      ⏰ Get this valuable bonus when you sign up before:

                      Additional Month of Q&A Chat Support

                      Fast-Acting Bonus - $97 VAlue

                      When you join RCA, you get 1 month of Q&A Chat Support. With this incredible fast-action bonus you get an additional month of Q&A Chat support, FREE.

                      Can we talk about feeling fully supported?! Heck yes!

                       Plus this incredible fast-acting bonus!

                      because we like to reward the action-takers. 

                      ⏰ Get this valuable bonus when you sign up before:

                      Bonus 1:1 Remote Career Coaching Call with Kate

                      Fast-Acting Bonus - $249 VAlue

                      When you join RCA before the fast-acting deadline, you'll get a free 45-minute career coaching intensive session with Kate to focus in on the areas you need the most support.

                      Can we talk about feeling fully supported?! Heck yes!

                      Plus this incredible fast-acting bonus!

                      because we like to reward the action-takers. 

                      Get this valuable, time-saving bonus when you sign up before:

                      Additional Month of Q&A Chat Support

                      Fast-Acting Bonus - $97 VAlue

                      This simple, easy-to-digest list breaks down everything you need to know about a company before you spend time and energy applying. You'll get access to:
                      • Remote work level so you know only spend time applying to companies that are 100% remote,
                      • What countries they hire from so you don't waste time on opportunities that don't lead anywhere
                      • ​​The company rating by current/past employees so you can make sure you're a good fit
                      • Direct links to their career pages so you can scour their job postings ASAP.

                       Fast-Acting Bonus – $297 Value

                      In-Depth Personal LinkedIn Profile Review

                      Join by Sun March 23rd at 11:59 pm EST to Claim.
                      00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
                      This review will ensure your profile is optimized for keywords so you can get found by more recruiters, that it effectively communicates your value to appeal to hiring managers, and puts yourself as a "must connect" contact, to help grow your network.

                      In-Depth Resume Review

                      ($497 Value)

                      Our team will be personally reviewing your resume and providing you with specific feedback so you can feel confident that your resume is clear, concise, and effectively communicates your value. 

                      Personalized LinkedIn Profile Review

                      ($397 Value)

                      Our team will be personally reviewing your LinkedIn profile and providing you with specific feedback so you can feel confident that you're profile is optimized and showcases your skills as a top-tier candidate. 

                      Cover Letter Review

                      ($297 Value)

                      Our team will be personally reviewing your cover letter and providing you with specific feedback so you can feel confident that you're cover letter captures your personality and value so you can stand out as a top-tier candidate.

                      Three Group Calls with Kate

                      ($291 Value)

                       You're situation and skills are unique which means you need personalized support and feedback. Join Kate on the group call  where she'll personally be addressing your questions and giving live feedback. Group calls happen once a month for three months.

                      Weekly Wednesday Office Hours
                      (for 12-weeks)

                      ($447 Value)

                      Every Wednesday Kate will drop into the dedicated Q&A channel to answer all your questions. Becase you're a VIP you'll get 12-weeks access instead of 4-weeks.

                      Personal Resume Review

                      Our team will be personally reviewing your resume and providing you with specific feedback so you can feel confident that your resume is clear, concise, and effectively communicates your value.

                      Personal LinkedIn Profile Review

                      Our team will be personally reviewing your LinkedIn profile and providing you with specific feedback so you can feel confident that you're profile is optimized and showcases your skills as a top-tier candidate.

                      Personal Cover Letter Review

                      Our team will be personally reviewing your cover letter and providing you with specific feedback so you can feel confident that you're cover letter captures your personality and value so you can stand out as a top-tier candidate.

                      PLUS Choose your Black Friday Payment Bonus! 

                      Option ONE: Pay in full bonus

                      Get $250 OFF

                      Pay in full and enjoy an additional $250 OFF The Remote Career Accelerator™ 



                      We wanted to make it even easier to committ to your remote career goals by offtering the option for an extended payment plan. For a limited time you can now join from $127/month (x11) months.
                      • ​Access the full RCA Training Program + Private Members Area ($2,997 Value)
                      • ​12 Weekly Live Coaching Sessions with Kate ($2,997 Value)
                      • ​Intimate Group Size (Max 10 people per Cohort) ($997 Value)
                      • ​Access to a Community of Like-Minded People (Priceless)
                      • ​Private WhatsApp Group ($497 Value)
                      • Lifetime Access + New Updates (Priceless)
                      PLUS these bonuses:
                      • Bonus #1: ​LinkedIn ‘All-Star’ Formula ($297 Value)
                      • Bonus #2: Rocket Application Framework ($197 Value)
                      • Bonus #3: Done-For-You LinkedIn + Email Outreach Scripts ($297 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #4: Remote Resume Templates + Checklist ($297 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #5: Personal Resume Review ($249 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #6: Personal LinkedIn Review ($249 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #7: Done-For-You Salary Negotiation Scripts + Salary Calculator ($297 Value)
                      PLUS these Fast-Acting Bonuses
                      • Bonus #1: ​Top 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File ($397 Value)
                      • Bonus #2: 50 popular interview Questions AND how to answer them ($297 Value)
                      • Bonus #3: The Done-For-You Remote Career Success Planner ($197 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #4: Addressing Career Gaps, Job Hopping, Lay Offs, and Ageism ($297 Value)

                      Total Value = $10,000

                      This train stops soon! Don't miss out...

                      Join the Remote Career Accelerator® 

                      PAYMENT PLAN - flexible 
                      Start today for only (x6) monthly payments. USD.
                      • Access to Full RCA Curriculum 
                      • Access to All Future Updates
                      • Access to All Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets
                      • PLUS these Limited Time Exclusive Bonuses:
                      • ​Bonus #1: ​(x3) Weekly Live Q&A Calls with Kate ($997 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #2: Private Community Access ($197 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #3: How to Create Remote Job Security Masterclass ($197)
                      • ​​Bonus #4: Day-by-day Planner ($97 Value)
                      • Training Materials Released Weekly, over 12 weeks
                      Your payments are secure. 
                      ONE PAYMENT - Best Value
                      One payment. USD.
                      • Access to Full RCA Curriculum 
                      • Access to All Future Updates
                      • Access to All Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets
                      • PLUS these Limited Time Exclusive Bonuses:
                      • ​Bonus #1: ​(x3) Weekly Live Q&A Calls with Kate ($997 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #2: Private Community Access ($197 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #3: How to Create Remote Job Security Masterclass ($197)
                      • ​​Bonus #4: Day-by-day Planner ($97 Value)
                      • 🔓 Pay-in-Full Bonus #1: Unlock instant access to ALL training materials immediately
                      • 🔓 Pay-in-Full Bonus #2: 30 Min 1:1 Remote Job Strategy Session with Kate
                      Your payments are secure. 
                      Your payments are secure. 
                      PAY IN FULL
                      $1,997 $1,497
                      One payment of $1,997 USD
                      • ✅ Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum 
                      • ✅ Access to All Future Updates
                      •  ✅Access to All Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets
                      • PLUS these Limited Time Exclusive Bonuses:
                      • ​Bonus #1: Private Community Access ($197 Value)
                      • ​​Bonus #2: One Month of Weekly Wednesday Office Hours Q&A – Support every Wednesday for 1 month ($97 Value)
                      • Bonus #3: Group Q&A Call
                      • Bonus #4: 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File ($97 Value)
                      •  Access ALL training materials upfront
                        (and lifetime access)
                      • 🔓 Pay-in-Full Bonus: Bonus 1:1 Coaching Call with Kate ($249 Value)
                      $397 $297
                      Start today for only (x6) monthly payment of $297 USD 
                      • ✅ Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum 
                      • ✅ Access to All Future Updates
                      • ✅ Access to All Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets
                      • PLUS these Limited Time Exclusive Bonuses:
                      • ⭐ ​BONUS #1: Private Community Access ($197 Value)
                      • ⭐ ​BONUS #2: One Month of Weekly Wednesday Office Hours Q&A  – Support every Wednesday for 1 month ($97 Value)
                      • ⭐ ​BONUS #3: Group Q&A Call
                      • ⭐ ​BONUS #4: 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File ($97 Value)
                      • Training materials delivered weekly over 12 weeks
                        (then lifetime access)
                      • 🔓 Pay-in-Full Bonus: Bonus 1:1 Coaching Call with Kate ($249 Value)

                      BASE TIER

                      🤩 $500 OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME. NOW ONLY:
                      Reg. $1,997
                      or $297 x 6 payments
                      ✔️Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum with Training Materials Delivered Weekly Over 12 Weeks

                      ✔️ Access to All Future Updates

                      ✔️ Access to All Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets

                      PLUS These Limited Time Bonuses:

                      Bonus #1: One Month of Weekly Wednesday Office Hours Q&A – $97 Value

                      ​Bonus #2: Group Q&A Call – $147 Value

                      Bonus #3: 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File – $97 Value)

                      Bonus #4: Private Community Access – $197 Value

                      🔥 VIP TIER 🔥

                      🤩 $500 OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME. NOW ONLY:
                      Reg: $2,997
                      or $497 x 6 payments
                      ✔️ Everything in base tier PLUS:

                      ✅ Resume Review – $497 Value

                      ✅ LinkedIn Profile Review – $397 Value

                      ✅ Cover Letter Review – $297 Value

                      PLUS These Limited Time Bonuses:

                      ➡️ Bonus #1: Three Months of Weekly Wednesday Office Hours Q&A – $291 Value

                      ➡️ Bonus #2: Three Group Q&A Calls – $447 Value

                      Bonus #3: 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File – $97 Value)

                      ​Bonus#4: Private Community Access – $197 Value

                      Payment Plan

                      $397 USD
                      6 payments of $397 USD
                      ✔️ Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum

                      ✔️ Access to All Future Updates

                      ✔️ Access to a ​Library of Resources Including: Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets

                      ✔️ 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File – $97 Value

                      PLUS These Limited Time Bonuses:

                      🤩 Bonus #1: Private Community Access – $197 Value

                      ​🤩 Bonus #2: Weekly Wednesday Q&A Office Hours With Kate – $397 Value

                      🤩 Bonus #3: Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls (8 calls total) – Value $997

                      🤩 Bonus #4:
                      In-Depth Personal Resume Review – Value $497

                      🏆 Pay-in-Full Bonus: 1:1 Intensive Coaching Call with Kate – $249 Value

                      🏆 Pay-in-Full Bonus #2: Instant Access to All Training Material Materials Delivered Weekly Over 12 Weeks

                      💨 Fast-Acting Bonus: High-Level LinkedIn Profile Review – $97 Value (Expires Sun March 23rd at 11:59 pm EST)
                      ** DOORS OPEN ON THURS MARCH 20TH **
                      You will not be able to click the button below to join until then.
                      6 payments of $397 USD
                      You Will Automatically Be Charged Monthly
                      Your payments are secure.

                      ⭐ Pay-In-Full and Save!

                      $1,997 USD
                      One payment of $1,997 USD
                      ✔️ Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum

                      ✔️ Access to All Future Updates

                      ✔️ Access to a ​Library of Resources Including: Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets

                      ✔️ 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File – $97 Value

                      PLUS Extra Support for 4 Months:

                      🤩 Bonus #1: Private Community Access – $197 Value

                      ​🤩 Bonus #2: Weekly Wednesday Q&A Office Hours With Kate – $397 Value

                      🤩 Bonus #3: Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls (8 calls total) – Value $997

                      🤩 Bonus #4: In-Depth Personal Resume Review – Value $497

                      🏆 Pay-in-Full Bonus #1: 1:1 Intensive Coaching Call with Kate – $249 Value

                      🏆 Pay-in-Full Bonus #2: Instant Access to All Training Material Upfront

                      💨 Fast-Acting Bonus: High-Level LinkedIn Profile Review – $97 Value (Expires Sun March 23rd at 11:59 pm EST)
                      ** DOORS OPEN ON THURS MARCH 20TH **
                      You will not be able to click the button below to join until then.
                      One payment of $1,997 USD
                      Your payments are secure.

                      🤩 PAY IN FULL BONUS

                      Pay in full, for either base tier or VIP and get access to the following:

                      🏆 Pay-in-Full Bonus: 1:1 Intensive Coaching Call with Kate –  $249 Value

                      🏆 Pay-in-Full Bonus: Instant Access to ALL Training Materials
                      Need a more flexible payment option? Email us at hello@theremotenomad.com for flexible payment plans.
                      PAYMENT PLAN - MOST flexible 
                      (x12) monthly payments. USD.
                      • Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum + All Future Updates
                      • All plug-and-play templates, scripts, and worksheets.
                      • PLUS these Bonus:
                      • ​Bonus #1: ​(x12) Weekly Live Q&A Calls with Kate ($997 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #2: Private Slack Group ($197 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #3: Day-by-day Planner ($97 Value)
                      • ​​Bonus #4: How to Recession Proof Your Career Workshop ($197 value)
                      • Training Materials Released Weekly, over 12 weeks
                      Your payments are secure. 
                      PAYMENT PLAN - flexible 
                      (x6) monthly payments. USD.
                      • Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum + All Future Updates
                      • All plug-and-play templates, scripts, and worksheets.
                      • PLUS these Bonus:
                      • ​Bonus #1: ​(x12) Weekly Live Q&A Calls with Kate ($997 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #2: Private Slack Group ($197 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #3: Day-by-day Planner ($97 Value)
                      • ​​Bonus #4: How to Recession Proof Your Career Workshop ($197 value)
                      • Training Materials Released Weekly, over 12 weeks
                      Your payments are secure. 
                      ONE PAYMENT - Best Value
                      One payment. USD.
                      • Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum + All Future Updates
                      • All plug-and-play templates, scripts, and worksheets.
                      • PLUS these Bonus:
                      • ​Bonus #1: ​(x12) Weekly Live Q&A Calls with Kate ($997 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #2: Private Slack Group ($197 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #3: Day-by-day Planner ($97 Value)
                      • ​​Bonus #4: How to Recession Proof Your Career Workshop ($197 value)
                      • 🔓 Pay-in-Full Bonus: Unlock instant access to ALL training materials immediately
                      Your payments are secure.

                      100% Money Back Guarantee

                      The 'no questions asked' guarantee, because I'm confident you'll love it.

                      I get it. I know that scary/nervous feeling of investing in yourself.

                      That voice inside your head that says, "But is this going to work for me?"

                      You want to make sure you make the right choice and the right decision. No one likes to be out on money which is why I want to make sure you feel 100% confident in investing in the Remote Career Accelerator®.

                      I’m super proud of the program, believe in the quality, and know the shifts it can make for those that invest in it.

                      I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the video training, worksheets, checklists, and examples delivered in the program (not to mention the immense time will save you by using a proven system) because it worked for me and countless others.

                      I’m so confident that you’ll love the Remote Career Accelerator®, that I’ve decided to offer the ’no questions asked’ money-back guarantee. After 14 days, if you still don’t feel like you have powerful action steps needed to land a remote job I will refund your money. No questions asked, no strings attached. Simply email me at kate@theremotenomad.com, and the refund will be issued immediately.

                      I truly believe that once you dive inside the Remote Career Accelerator®, you’ll be so glad you invested in yourself. You have nothing to lose.

                       Ready to Create More Freedom and Flexibility?

                       Hurry! Join Now and Access $2,000 in Bonuses

                      🚨 This offer expires in:
                      00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

                      🤔 How much time & money will you save?

                      Access the Free Go Remote Calculator

                      Calculate how much time and money you'll save by going remote PLUS calculate how many months it will take you to see a return on your investment of The Remote Career Accelerator®.

                      You have questions? I have answers!

                      Frequently Asked Questions

                      The Program

                       What is The Remote Career Accelerator™ (RCA)?

                      The Remote Career Accelerator is a comprehensive, step-by-step training program that helps ambitious professionals successfully land remote jobs using skills they already have, so they can create more freedom.

                      It's a self-paced study program that gives you access to "move the needle forward" worksheets and templates, access to a community of like-minded people in our private community channel, and group calls and Q&A chat access to ensure you're fully supported.

                      It's designed to take you from overwhelmed, scattered, and doubtful with your remote job search to clear, confident, and re-motivated so you can land a remote job and have the freedom to live life on your terms. By using our proven, step-by-step method, you’ll streamline your time, energy, and effort so you can get more remote job interviews and remote job offers in less time than figuring it out yourself.

                       How is The Remote Career Accelerator™ (RCA) different?

                      At this point, you may have signed up for different workshops or perhaps had someone re-write your resume. Trying to piece together hundreds of different resources from every corner of the internet is time-consuming and overwhelming. RCA is different because it guides you through the entire process of how to get a remote job from being stuck in the office (or unemployed) all the way to securing your dream virtual role. But we don't just throw a bunch of information at you – you're guided through the process step-by-step.

                      RCA isn't just another course or program. You also get access to a community of like-minded people in our Circle Community. 

                      You're also being led by an industry leader in the remote work space. Your instructor and remote career coach, Kate, has been featured on BBC, Fast Company, Bloomberg, CNN, Atlas Obscura, Glassdoor, and many other publications and podcasts. She worked with the country of Estonia to create the world’s first digital nomad visa and has been named top 50 most influential remote work innovators in 2023, 2022, and 2021.

                      Aside from the shiny accolades Kate has personally been through the journey of getting laid off from her 9-5 office job and landing a remote job in marketing in June 2015. After spending time working remotely and traveling, and an explosion of, "How do I get a remote job too?!," she eventually transitioned into remote career coaching. 

                      TLDR; You get full training PLUS access to the Circle community to connect with community members PLUS two monthly group Q&A call PLUS one month of Q&A Chat Support + you're learning from someone who has successfully taken this journey and has been recognized in major industry publications. Can we talk about feeling fully supported?

                       Who is this program for?

                      The Remote Career Accelerator™ (RCA) is designed for 3 types of people:

                      1) You are working a 9-5 but crave more freedom and flexibility 
                      2) You worked remotely during COVID and loathe being back at the office
                      3) You’re currently unemployed or laid off

                      This is also for people who:

                      > Want to land a remote job so they have the freedom and flexibility to live life on their terms
                      > Have been thinking about going remote but haven't taken action yet, or have tried to go remote with no success
                      > Want a foolproof plan to succeed at landing a remote job
                      > Want structure, guidance, accountability, and full support with their remote job search

                      This is NOT for people who want to start a business or freelance.

                       Why should I join RCA?

                      Because you want to finally land that remote job and stop spinning your wheels trying scattered approaches to landing a remote job. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, scattered, and doubtful you want to feel clear, confident, and re-motivated. You want to save time, by using a proven system that works. That means you can start working remotely in less time. You’re tired of trying to figure it out on your own and ready to finally make it happen once and for all. 

                       How much support will I get? 

                      We’re here to see you succeed at landing a remote job and to fully support you throughout your journey. You’ll get:

                      ✅ Lifetime access to our Private Community group so you can connect with the community.
                      ✅ (x2) Monthly Group Q&A Calls
                      ✅ (x1) Month of Q&A Chat Support

                      🤩 Pay in full and get an additional group Q&A call, exlcusive to pay in full students only
                      ⏰ Join before March 27th at 11:59 pm EST and get an additional month of Q&A chat support

                      Now, keep in mind, we can't do the work for you. The program does require effort and commitment on your part, however, we designed the program to be as straightforward as possible.

                      Common FAQs

                       I'm limited on time. How much time is this going to take? 

                      Most clients we serve are still working a full-time jobs. So we get it, time is tight. Inside RCA we've cut the fluff and made
                      the program as straightforward as possible. This means you can expect to make more progress in less time. Our goal is to uncomplicate the process and teach you how to work smart, not hard so that you can maximize your time, energy, and results. This way, you can still meet your life commitments and pursue your goal of landing a remote job. 

                      We recommend committing, on average, about 5 hours/week to the process, however, given the self-study nature of the program you do have the option to work through it at it at your own speed/pace.

                       I want to do this but it seems like a big investment. Do you offer payment plans?

                      Absolutely. We offer a 6-month payment plan of $297/month. That means you can pay $297 today and you'll unlock immediate access to RCA. After that, you’ll be automatically billed $297 every month for the 5 remaining cycles.

                       How do I know if this will work for me? 

                      You’re likely here because things haven’t been working for you. So, you can continue down the same path and get the same results (or lack of) or take control and land a remote job once and for all. If you have more questions about whether the Remote Career Accelerator™ is the right fit for you, you can contact me personally at kate@theremotenomad.com. And remember, when you sign up, you're protected by our 14-day money-back guarantee. 

                       How long will it take me to get a remote job?

                      It can take about 3-6 months to land a job, depending on your skills, the role, and more. This is a process and can take time. That being said, once you complete RCA you'll have a time-saving system in place, the same systems that helped Kayla land a remote job in 90 days. You'll also know how to stand out using methods the average job seekers don't use – which means more results in less time. You just have to decide, is a lifetime of freedom and flexibility worth the 3-6 month time investment?

                       How much money can I make with a remote job? Will I have to take a salary cut?

                      We help you find legitimate, remote career opportunities. Not just a job, but a career. This means getting paid accordingly. Asking how much you can make with a remote job is like asking, "how much you can make with a 9-5 job?" It depends on many factors. That being said, you should not expect a pay cut just because you’re remote. Remote companies recognize that working remotely is simply just a smarter way to work and do business. So although you may be super excited to go remote, it’s business as usual for them. Inside RCA, we’ll teach you how to avoid remote job scams, how to uncover legitimate well-paying roles, and how to negotiate your salary to earn your highest income potential.

                      Click here to access the Go Remote Calculator to determine how much time and money you can save by going remote AND how long it will take you to see a return on your investment for RCA.

                       Are you a recruiter? Do you match us up with jobs?

                      We are not a recruitment company and we do not match you with jobs. We teach you the skill of how to successfully land a remote job so you are empowered to take control of your career now and in the future.

                      Here's my Situation, "Will this work for me?"

                       Will this work for my job/experience? 

                      RCA teaches you how to use your existing skills to land a remote job whether you keep the same job title or make a career transition.

                      About 50% of people make a career transition using skills they already have while landing their first remote job.

                      The other 50% keep the same career path, using skills they already have, while landing their first remote job.

                      Think of it like writing a resume. When you learn to write a resume you're learning the foundations you can then apply that to any job. RCA teaches you the framework, covering all the elements to successfully land a remote job.

                      Again, RCA is designed to teach you how to get a remote job using skills you already have. One of the first modules we cover inside RCA is picking the right remote job for you, using skills you already have. Given the 14-day money-back guarantee, this means you have 2 weeks to go through the career path clarity training and determine the best remote job for you. And if you don't (which hasn't been the case so far) you're covered by the 'no questions asked' money-back guarantee. 

                      If you're still unsure if this fits your job/experience email us at hello@ theremotenomad.com and we can help clarify for you.

                       I'm nervous I don't have the right skills to land a remote job. Should I learn more skills before investing in RCA?

                      The Remote Career Accelerator™ is designed to show you how to land a remote job using skills you already have, whether you decide to keep the same career path or make a change. About 50% of the clients Kate support make a career change while going remote for the first time, and the other 50% keep the same career path, all without having to invest massively in additional training. Inside RCA, we help you strategically use your most impactful skills (and brush up on them) as you journey through the program.

                      Given the 14-day money-back guarantee, this means you have 2 weeks to go through the career path clarity training and determine the best remote job for you. And if you don't (which hasn't been the case so far) you're covered by the 'no questions asked' money-back guarantee.

                      If you're still unsure if this fits your job/experience email me at kate@theremotenomad.com and we can help clarify for you.

                       What if I don’t know what kind of remote job I want? 

                      That’s what The Remote Career Accelerator™ is here to help you with. Inside the program, you’ll get crystal clear on the best remote job for you based on your personal skills, experience, situation, and wants, whether you keep the same career path or make a career change. We take you through our process that has helped clients finally get the clarity they’ve been looking for.

                       Will this work in my country? Do I have to be US-based to get a remote job?

                      We’ve served people from around the Globe - from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, etc. This program is designed to teach you the strategies to land a remote job, regardless of what country you’re from. There are plenty of global opportunities available and the methodology we teach can be applied globally. Inside RCA we also reveal how to find remote companies that hire globally from around the world.

                       What if I’ve been laid off or have a gap in my career? Should I still join?

                      Absolutely. Inside The Remote Career Accelerator™ you’ll learn how to confidently address career gaps/layoffs. 

                       I'm older and later in my career. Will this work for me?

                      Definitely. Inside The Remote Career Accelerator™, we cover how to land a remote job whether you have only 1 year of work experience, 10 years, or 20 years. We also cover how to avoid ageism through the remote job search so you can be confident the focus is on your skills and value, not your age.

                      The Logistics

                       What's the structure of the program?

                      1️⃣ Once you sign up, you get access to your new training material. This includes:

                      ✅ Pre-recorded, self-paced training videos
                      ✅ Access to worksheets and templates
                      ✅ Your action items to complete, so you know exactly what you should be working on and when. 

                      From there new training material will be delivered weekly, over 12 weeks. Note: You get lifetime access to the training program and all future updates.

                      2️⃣ Join our private Circle community to connect with other Remote Career Accelerator Students. You get lifetime access to this community!

                      3️⃣ Access to the Q&A Chat Support. Your first free month is available from Mon March 25 - Thurs April 18 and Tues May 7 - Wed May 22nd (I will be on vacation from Fri April 19 - Mon May 6th, which is why the Q&A chat support is divided into two sections to make sure you don't miss out)

                      4️⃣ Attend the Group Q&A Calls. The group Q&A Calls take place on Wed April 10th at 1 pm EST and Tues May 14th at 12 pm EST.

                      🤩 Pay-In-Full Bonus: Get an additional Group Q&A Call, exclusive for pay-in-full students only
                      🤩 Fast-Acting Bonus: Join before Wed March 27th at 11:59 pm EST and get an additional month of Q&A chat support

                       When do we start? When do I get access to the training?

                      Once you sign up, you get access to your new training material. This includes:

                      ✅ Pre-recorded, self-paced training videos
                      ✅ Access to worksheets and templates
                      ✅ Your action items to complete, so you know exactly what you should be working on and when. 

                      From there new training material will be delivered weekly, over 12 weeks. Note: You get lifetime access to the training program and all future updates.

                       What happens if I want Q&A Support after one month?

                      When you join The Remote Career Accelerator you get one month free Q&A Chat support. Join before Wed March 27th at 11:59 pm EST and get an additional month of Q&A chat support. After, you can continue to join Q&A Chat support for $97/month.

                       What happens once I sign up?

                      Once you sign up, here's what will happen. You'll:

                      1️⃣ Receive a confirmation email that includes an intake form to complete immediately

                      2️⃣ Get instant access to week 1 training materials and from there your training materials will be delivered weekly. Note: You get lifetime access to all training material and future updates.

                      3️⃣ Get added to the Private Community and introduced to everyone on Friday March 5th. You get lifetime access to the community chat platform.

                      4️⃣ Access Q&A Chat Support. Your first free month is available from Mon March 25 - Thurs April 18 and Tues May 7 - Wed May 22nd (I will be on vacation from Fri April 19 - Mon May 6th, which is why the Q&A chat support is divided into two sections to make sure you don't miss out)

                      5️⃣ Attend the bonus group Q&A Calls. The group Q&A Calls take place on Wed April 10th at 1pm EST and Tues May 14th at 12 pm EST.

                      The Guarantee

                       What if I don't love it? What is your refund policy?

                      I get it. I know that scary/nervous feeling of investing in yourself.

                      That voice inside your head that says, "But is this going to work for me?"

                      You want to make sure you make the right choice and the right decision. No one likes to be out on money. And I want to make sure you feel 100% confident in investing in the Remote Career Accelerator™.

                      I’m super proud of the program, believe in the quality, and know the shifts it can make for those that invest in it. (Not to mention the immense time will save you by using a proven system.)

                      I’m so confident that you’ll love the Remote Career Accelerator™, that I’ve decided to offer the ’no questions asked’ money-back guarantee. After 14 days, if you still don’t feel like you have the powerful action steps needed to land a remote job I will refund your money. No questions asked, no strings attached. Simply email me at kate@theremotenomad.com, and the refund will be issued immediately.

                      I truly believe that once you dive inside the Remote Career Accelerator™, you’ll be so glad you invested in yourself. And I want you to feel confident with your decision. You have nothing to lose.

                      You have questions? I have answers!

                      Frequently Asked Questions

                      The Program

                       What is The Remote Career Accelerator® (RCA)?

                      The Remote Career Accelerator® is a comprehensive, step-by-step training program that helps ambitious professionals successfully land remote jobs using skills they already have, so they can create more freedom.

                      It combines a self-paced study program that gives you access to "move the needle forward" worksheets and templates, plus access to a community of like-minded people in our private community channel, group calls, and Q&A chat access to ensure you're fully supported.

                      It's designed to take you from overwhelmed, scattered, and doubtful with your remote job search to clear, confident, and re-motivated so you can land a remote job and have the freedom to live life on your terms. By using our proven, step-by-step method, you’ll streamline your time, energy, and effort so you can get more remote job interviews and remote job offers in less time than figuring it out yourself.

                       How is The Remote Career Accelerator® (RCA) different?

                      At this point, you may have signed up for different workshops or perhaps had someone re-write your resume. Trying to piece together hundreds of different resources from every corner of the internet is time-consuming and overwhelming.

                      RCA is different because:

                      1) It guides you through the entire process of how to get a remote job in a structured, step-by-step way. No generic tips here.

                      2) Gives you the ultimate personalized support including access to a community of like-minded people + 4 months of Q&A support every Wednesday + 8 group coaching calls.

                      3) You're being led by an industry leader in the remote work space. Your instructor and remote career coach, Kate, has been featured on BBC, Fast Company, Bloomberg, LA Times, CNN, Atlas Obscura, Glassdoor, and many other publications and podcasts. She worked with the country of Estonia to create the world’s first digital nomad visa and has been named Top 50 most influential remote work innovators in 2023, 2022, and 2021.

                      Aside from the shiny accolades Kate has personally been through the journey of getting laid off from her 9-5 office job and landing a remote job in marketing in June 2015. After spending time working remotely and traveling, and an explosion of, "How do I get a remote job too?!," she eventually transitioned into remote career coaching. 

                      Can we talk about feeling fully supported?

                       Who is this program for?

                      The Remote Career Accelerator® (RCA) is designed for 3 types of people:

                      1) You are working a 9-5 but crave more freedom and flexibility 
                      2) You worked remotely during COVID and loathe being back at the office
                      3) You’re currently unemployed or laid offg

                      This is also for people who:

                      > Want to land a remote job so they have the freedom and flexibility to live life on their terms
                      > Have been thinking about going remote but haven't taken action yet, or have tried to go remote with no success
                      > Want structure, guidance, accountability, and full support with their remote job search
                      > Are ready and willing to put in the time, enery and work

                      This is NOT for people who want to start a business or freelance.

                       How much support will I get? 

                      We’re here to see you succeed at landing a remote job and to fully support you throughout your journey. You’ll get:

                      ✔️ Lifetime Access to Full RCA Curriculum with Training Materials 
                      ✔️ Access to All Future Updates
                      ✔️ Lifetime Access to a Library of Resources: All Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets

                      Plus 4 Months of Additional Support Including:

                      ✔️ Private Community Access 
                      ✔️ Weekly Wednesday Q&A Office Hours With Kate
                      ​✔️ Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls (8 calls total)
                      ✔️ Personal Resume Review

                      Join Before Sun March 23rd at 11:59 pm EST and Access:

                      💨 Fast Acting Bonus: High-Level LinkedIn Profile Review, so you can make sure you're on the right track – $97 Value

                      🤩 Pay in Full Bonus: Get a free 1:1 Remote Career Coaching Session with Kate ($249 value), exlcusive to pay in full students only

                      Common FAQs

                       I'm limited on time. How much time is this going to take? 

                      Most clients we serve are still working a full-time jobs. So we get it, time is tight. Inside RCA we've cut the fluff and made
                      the program as straightforward as possible. I've simplified the process so that you can maximize your time, energy, and results. 

                      We recommend committing, on average, about 8 hours/week to the process to watch the training videos and implement the action items, however, given the self-study nature of the program, you do have the option to work through it at your own speed/pace. The total watch time for the course content is ~15 hours. You will spend the rest of the time implementing what you learn.

                       Do you offer payment plans?

                      Absolutely. We offer a 6-month payment plan of $397/month. That means you can pay $397 today and you'll unlock immediate access to RCA. After that, you’ll be automatically billed $397 every month for the 5 remaining cycles. Note: This is NOT a membership which means you can not cancel at any time. The is a flexible way for you to pay in installments and by joining via payment plan you are committing to making all payments.

                       How do I know if this will work for me? 

                      You’re likely here because things haven’t been working for you. So, you can continue down the same path and get the same results (or lack of) or take control and land a remote job once and for all. I've helped people from early, mid and late-career, people from niched skills to a wide range of skills, people with career gaps, and people from all over the world. If you have more questions about whether the Remote Career Accelerator® is the right fit for you, you can contact me personally at kate@theremotenomad.com. And remember, when you sign up, you're protected by our 14-day money-back guarantee. 

                       How long will it take me to get a remote job?

                      It can take about 3-6 months to land a job, depending on your skills, the role, your career goals, the job market, your time commitment, and more. It will save you massive amounts of time by having access to a proven system instead of trying to figure it out yourself.

                      If you're making a career shift, you could expect closer to the 6-month mark.
                      If you're keeping the same career path, you could expect closer to the 3-month mark.

                      If you're located in USA, Europe, Canada, UK or Australia, you could expect closer to the 3-4 month mark.
                      If you are not located in the countries listed above, you can still absolutely land a remote job, it may just be closer to the 6-month mark.

                      If you dedicate a lot of time to the process, it can help reduce the time it takes to get a remote job. If you just passively work on the program when you have time, it can take much longer to land a remote job.

                      This is a process and can take time. I can not guarantee timelines since everyone is unique. That being said, once you complete RCA you'll have a time-saving system in place, the same systems that helped Kayla land a remote job in 90 days. 

                       How much money can I make with a remote job? Will I have to take a salary cut?

                      We help you find legitimate, remote career opportunities. Not just a job, but a career. This means getting paid accordingly. Asking how much you can make with a remote job is like asking, "how much you can make with a 9-5 job?" It depends on many factors. That being said, you should not expect a pay cut just because you’re remote. All of my 1:1 clients have earned more than their current salary, with the exception of about two who made the same salary. None of my 1:1 clients have taken a pay cut while going remote.

                      Click here to access the Go Remote Calculator to determine how much time and money you can save by going remote AND how long it will take you to see a return on your investment for RCA.

                       Are you a recruiter? Do you match us up with jobs?

                      We are not a recruitment company and we do not match you with jobs. We teach you the skill of how to successfully land a remote job so you are empowered to take control of your career now and in the future.

                      Here's my Situation, "Will this work for me?"

                       Will this work for my skills/experience? Should I learn more skills before investing in RCA?

                      The Remote Career Accelerator® is designed to show you how to land a remote job using skills you already have, whether you decide to keep the same career path or make a change. 

                      About 50% of the clients Kate supports make a career change while going remote for the first time, and the other 50% keep the same career path, all without having to invest massively in additional training. Inside RCA, we help you strategically use your most impactful skills (and brush up on them) as you journey through the program. You'll be guided on how to intentionally fill skills gaps with minimal time and minimal investment, but that have the maximum impact.

                      Given the 14-day money-back guarantee, this means you have 2 weeks to go through the career path clarity training and determine the best remote job for you. And if you don't (which hasn't been the case so far) you're covered by the 'no questions asked' money-back guarantee.

                      If you're still unsure if this fits your job/experience email me at kate@theremotenomad.com and we can help clarify for you.

                       What if I don’t know what kind of remote job I want? 

                      That’s what The Remote Career Accelerator® is here to help you with. Inside the program, you’ll get crystal clear on the best remote job for you based on your personal skills, experience, situation, and wants, whether you keep the same career path or make a career change. We take you through our process that has helped clients finally get the clarity they’ve been looking for.

                       Will this work in my country? Do I have to be US-based to get a remote job?

                      I’ve served people from around the Globe - from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, etc. This program is designed to teach you the strategies to land a remote job, regardless of what country you’re from. There are plenty of global opportunities available and the methodology we teach can be applied globally. Inside RCA we also reveal how to find remote companies that hire globally from around the world.

                       What if I’ve been laid off or have a gap in my career? Should I still join?

                      Absolutely. Inside The Remote Career Accelerator® you’ll learn how to confidently address career gaps/layoffs. 

                       I'm older and later in my career. Will this work for me?

                      Definitely. Inside The Remote Career Accelerator®, we cover how to land a remote job whether you have only 1 year of work experience, 10 years, or 20 years. We also cover how to avoid ageism through the remote job search so you can be confident the focus is on your skills and value, not your age.

                      The Logistics

                       What's the structure of the program?

                      1️⃣ Once you sign up, you get access to your new training material. This includes:

                      ✅ Pre-recorded, self-paced training videos
                      ✅ Access to worksheets and templates
                      ✅ Your action items to complete, so you know exactly what you should be working on and when. 

                      From there new training material will be delivered weekly, over 12 weeks. If you pay in full then you get instant access to all training materials. Note: You get lifetime access to the training program and all future updates.

                      2️⃣ Join our private community to connect with other Remote Career Accelerator® Students.

                      3️⃣ Weekly Wednesday Office Hours Q&A. Support every Wednesday for 4 months 

                      4️⃣ 8 Group Coaching Q&A Calls with Kate. We meet twice a month for 4 months. Calls are scheduled for:

                      Wed April 9 at 6:30 pm EST
                      Wed April 23 at 6:30 pm EST
                      Wed May 7 at 6:30 pm EST
                      Wed May 21 at 6:30 pm EST
                      Wed June 4 at 6:30 pm EST
                      Wed June 18 at 6:30 pm EST
                      Wed July 9 at 6:30 pm EST
                      Wed July 23 at 6:30 pm EST

                      During the program, you'll also get your in-depth, personalized resume review ($497 value)

                      🤩 Pay-In-Full Bonus. A free 1:1 Remote Career Coaching Session with Kate ($249 value).

                      🤩 Fast Acting Bonuses: A free high-level LinkedIn profile review ($297 value) so you can feel confident you're on the right track.

                       When do we start? When do I get access to the training?

                      Once you sign up, you get access to your new training material. This includes:

                      ✅ Pre-recorded, self-paced training videos
                      ✅ Access to worksheets and templates
                      ✅ Your action items to complete, so you know exactly what you should be working on and when. 

                      From there new training material will be delivered weekly, over 12 weeks. If you pay in full then you get instant access to all training materials. Note: You get lifetime access to the training program and all future updates.

                       What happens once I sign up?

                      Once you sign up, here's what will happen. You'll:

                      1️⃣ Receive a confirmation email that includes an intake form to complete immediately

                      2️⃣ Get instant access to week 1 training materials and from there your training materials will be delivered weekly. If you pay in full then you get instant access to all training materials. Note: You get lifetime access to all training material and future updates.

                      3️⃣ Get added to the Private Community and introduced to everyone.

                      4️⃣ Access Weekly Wednesday Q&A Chat Support Channel. Your access starts as soon as you sign up. When you sign up you get four months of access. 

                      5️⃣ Get sent Group Call Details. RCA includes a 8 group career coaching calls with Kate that take place twice a month.

                      The Guarantee

                       What if I don't love it? What is your refund policy?

                      I get it. I know that scary/nervous feeling of investing in yourself.

                      That voice inside your head that says, "But is this going to work for me?"

                      You want to make sure you make the right choice and the right decision. No one likes to be out on money. And I want to make sure you feel 100% confident in investing in the Remote Career Accelerator®.

                      I’m super proud of the program, believe in the quality, and know the shifts it can make for those that invest in it. (Not to mention the immense time will save you by using a proven system.)

                      I’m so confident that you’ll love the Remote Career Accelerator®, that I’ve decided to offer the ’no questions asked’ money-back guarantee. After 14 days, if you still don’t feel like you have the powerful action steps needed to land a remote job I will refund your money. No questions asked, no strings attached. Simply email me at kate@theremotenomad.com, and the refund will be issued immediately.

                      I truly believe that once you dive inside the Remote Career Accelerator®, you’ll be so glad you invested in yourself. And I want you to feel confident with your decision. You have nothing to lose.

                      The Remote Career Accelerator® was created for three types of people...

                      Is this you?

                      • ​You’re currently working a 9-5 but crave more freedom and flexibility and often think, "This can't be the rest of my life!"...
                      • ​OR you worked remotely during COVID and are over having to return to the office... 
                      • ​OR you’re currently unemployed or have been laid off and feel nervous about getting back into the workforce, let alone the remote workforce. BUT, you want to use this as your opportunity to go remote and find a company that better aligns with you.
                      And if you can relate to any of the following:
                      • ​You have been thinking about going remote but haven't taken action OR have tried to go remote with no success (you’re finally ready to call in the experts for support!)
                      • ​You want the freedom and flexibility to live life on your terms; whether that’s traveling the world, spending more time with loved ones, or reclaiming the hours wasted commuting every day
                      • ​You’re ready to work for a company that fully embraces remote work (no more begging for flexibility or time off)
                      • ​You're confused about how to get started with landing a remote job, because let's be real, the internet is overloaded with information 
                      ❌ This is NOT for you if you're looking for support on how to start a business OR become a freelancer.

                      It goes without saying, if you want to get the most out of the program, be ready to fully commit and trust the process.

                      You'll learn how to pick the best remote career path for you

                       then the exact steps to make that remote career a reality

                      You’re learning the framework that can apply to any career path or role. It’s like a bricklayer who learns how to lay bricks. Once they know the framework of how to lay bricks, they can use it to build a wall, a house, a tower, etc It can apply to any type of building. The same concept applies to you learning the framework of how to land a remote job.

                      These clients made a career change

                      Kate's clients have gone from...

                       ➡️ A vehicle technician and postal delivery to a fully remote customer service role.
                      ➡️ From teaching in the classroom to fully remote human resources/recruiting role.
                      ➡️ From a field technician to a remote web developer.
                      ➡️ From a server to an online business manager.

                      And other students have kept the same career path in...

                      ✔️ Copywriting
                      ✔️ Customer Success
                      ✔️ Marketing
                      ✔️ Developers
                      ✔️ Designers
                      ✔️ Project Managers
                      ✔️ Operations

                      and MORE!
                      ✈️ Ready to finally ditch commute so you can start filling up your passport with stamps, work from your PJS, or just sleep in?

                      Ready to finally land a remote job, so you can create more freedom?

                      I can't wait for you to experience everything inside The Remote Career Accelerator®

                      Get Instant Acccess to
                      • ​Access the full RCA Training Program + Private Members Area ($2,997 Value)
                      • ​12 Weekly Live Coaching Sessions with Kate ($2,997 Value)
                      • ​Intimate Group Size (Max 10 people per Cohort) ($997 Value)
                      • ​Access to a Community of Like-Minded People (Priceless)
                      • ​Private Slack Group ($497 Value)
                      • Lifetime Access + New Updates (Priceless)
                      PLUS these bonuses
                      • Bonus #1: ​LinkedIn ‘All-Star’ Formula ($297 Value)
                      • Bonus #2: Rocket Application Framework ($197 Value)
                      • Bonus #3: Done-For-You LinkedIn + Email Outreach Scripts ($297 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #4: Remote Resume Templates + Checklist ($297 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #5: Personal Resume Review ($249 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #6: Personal LinkedIn Review ($249 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #7: Done-For-You Salary Negotiation Scripts + Salary Calculator ($297 Value)
                      PLUS these Fast-Acting Bonuses
                      • Bonus #1: ​Top 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File ($397 Value)
                      • Bonus #2: 50 popular interview Questions AND how to answer them ($297 Value)
                      • Bonus #3: The Done-For-You Remote Career Success Planner ($197 Value)
                      • ​Bonus #4: Addressing Career Gaps, Job Hopping, Lay Offs, and Ageism ($297 Value)
                      Get Instant Acccess to:
                      • ​​Lifetime Access to Full RCA Training Program 
                      • ​Access to all Future Updates
                      • ​Library of Resources Including: Plug-and-Play Templates, Scripts, and Worksheets
                      • ​97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File – $97 Value
                      🤩 Plus Extra Support for 4 months:
                      • ​​Bonus #1: Private Community Access – $197 Value
                      • ​Bonus #2: Weekly Wednesday Q&A Office Hours With Kate – $397 Value
                      • Bonus #3: Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls (8 calls total) – $997 Value
                      • ​​Bonus #4: In-Depth Personal Resume Review – $497 Value
                      💵 Pay In Full Bonus (when you pay in full):
                      • PIF Bonus #1: Instant Access to ALL Training Materials Upfront
                      • ​PIF Bonus #2: 1:1 Intensive Coaching Session with Kate – $249 Value
                      💨 Fast-Acting Bonus (when you join before Sun March 23rd at 11:59 pm EST)
                      • ​​Bonus: In-depth Personal LinkedIn Profile Review – $197 Value

                      Get started for only $397 x 6 payments 🤯

                      Hurry! This offer ends in:
                      00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
                      ** DOORS OPEN ON THURS MARCH 20TH **
                      You will not be able to click the button below to join until then.

                      🥂 Upgrade to VIP for More Support

                      Regular $2,997 or 6 payments of $597. Now only
                      $2,497 or 6 payments of $497
                      This is the TOTAL COST (You do NOT need to pay this in addition to the cost of the program)

                      🏆 Upgrade to VIP for even more support

                      When you upgrade to VIP you get everything in base tier PLUS  ⤵️

                      ✅ Personalized In-Depth Resume Review – $497 Value

                      ✅ Personalized In-Depth LinkedIn Profile Review – $397 Value

                      ✅ Personalized In-Depth Cover Letter Review – $297 Value

                      PLUS These Limited-Time Bonuses:

                      🤩 Bonus #1: THREE Months of Weekly Wednesday Office Hours Q&A – $97 Value

                      ​🤩 Bonus #2: THREE Group Call – $147 Value

                      🤩 Bonus #3: 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File – $97 Value)

                      🤩 Bonus #4: Private Community Access – $197 Value

                      🏆 Upgrade to VIP for even more support

                      Get started for only $497 🤯

                      🥂 Ready to get VIP status?

                      🏆 Upgrade to VIP for even more support. 
                      • ​Everything included in base tier PLUS... 
                      • ​Personalized In-Depth Resume Review – $497 Value
                      • ​Personalized In-Depth LinkedIn Profile Review – $397 Value
                      • ​Personalized In-Depth Cover Letter Review – $297 Value
                      • ​Bonus #1: THREE Months of Weekly Wednesday Office Hours Q&A – $97 Value
                      • ​​Bonus #2: THREE Group Calls – $147 Value​
                      • ​Bonus #3: 97 Companies that Hire Remotely Swipe File – $97 Value
                      • ​ Bonus #4: Private Community Access – $197 Value​
                      Regular $2,997 or 6 payments of $597. Now only
                      $2,497 or 6 payments of $497

                       ⏰ LAST CHANCE TO SAVE

                      Price Increases by $500 In:

                      $1,497 ➡️ $1,997
                      $297/month (x6 payments) ➡️ $397/month (x6 payments)

                      Laila has successfully landed a remote job and now she's traveling the world.

                      "I felt that everyone thought I was absolutely insane when I said I wanted a fully remote job. It’s refreshing to be surrounded by people who think similar to you and know that there’s more to life than working in an office every day for the rest of your life. Trust in [Kate's] process and you’ll be fine. I promise."  - Laila

                      "Things that I have been trying to do for about a year got finished within the first few weeks."

                      The internet has too much information. I was getting pulled in so many different ways trying to achieve this remote nomad lifestyle. I felt like I was trying my best to do this on my own but I need somebody to guide me down the path. I definitely recommend [Kate]. Success is on the other side of fear. You just have to do it."  - Andrew

                      "It really is a dream come true. It was worth every penny I invested and more."

                      "I was miserable [in my] nine to five job and I saw these opportunities to work remotely. That's why I decided to take a leap of faith and trust in [Kate's] skills. She helped me achieve things that I thought weren't possible. I get to go travel the world. It really is a dream come true. And it was worth every penny that I invested into this and more."  - Lindsey

                      These past clients took action & implemented what you'll learn inside the Remote Career Accelerator®…

                      Rhami spent a year traveling the world and continues to work remotely

                      "[It] was an unbelievable and life-changing experience."

                      - Rhami A.

                      Sarah started earning an income remotely and moved to Bali, Indonesia

                      "I feel so much more confident." 

                      - Sarah A.

                      Nathalie was earning and full-time income remotely within 2-months.

                      "When you feel like theres more to life than just your 9-5 then this is a good first step to invest in yourself. You are worth it!" 

                      - Nathalie

                      🤔 Still Undecided?

                      You’re ready to land a remote job using a systemized approach if…

                      1. You’re currently working a 9-5 office, on the brink of return to the office, or doing the terrible hybrid scenario but crave more freedom and flexibility and often think, "This can't be the rest of my life!".

                      2. You’ve been thinking about or trying to land a remote job for months, even years with no results. The lack of success is making you doubt yourself and your skills. You question how possible it is. Something you’re doing isn’t working, but you can’t figure out what it is or you’ve simply stalled in procrastination mode because you don’t know where to start. And the internet is overloaded with info certainly doesn’t help and makes the whole process feels overwhelming. 

                      3. You have no problem putting in a couple of hours of work per week… If someone could just show you exactly what to do, you would HAPPILY put in the work, especially if you knew it would actually – finally – get you results.

                      4. In fact, you’ve ALREADY invested so much time and energy doing things like writing your resume, submitting applications, scouring the internet on how to land a remote job, and signing up for every free resource and training on how to get a remote job, all with no results… and you’re afraid this is going to continue on until you burn out or you give up on the remote job search altogether unless something changes.

                      5. You know there is more to life than grinding it out at a 9-5 office job for the rest of your life. You want the freedom and flexibility to live life on your terms, whether that’s traveling the world, spending more time with loved ones, or reclaiming the hours wasted commuting every day. It’s not too much to ask for. 

                      6. You’re excited to land this remote job, once and for all. Even though you’ve been let down before, you’re currently feeling a wave of renewed possibility, knowing that by this time tomorrow, you can be plugging yourself into an easy-to-start yet super-effective methodology for catalyzing your remote job search and to be welcomed by a community of like-minded people, knowing you’ll be fully supported.

                      7. You feel confident grabbing your login and signing into your RCA portal knowing you have 14 days to test it out. It’s simple, either you do the work and experience more success in your remote job search in the next 14 days than you have in the past year… or you send us a quick email asking us to hit undo on this whole ‘let’s land a remote job’ process. 
                      Can you imagine the day you hand in your 2-week notice, and make the official LinkedIn post - I GOT THE REMOTE JOB. Well, it’s time to make it a reality. There is a simple step-by-step path forward. If you found yourself nodding your head to at least 4 of the 7 points above, then I absolutely CANNOT wait to meet you inside of The Remote Career Accelerator®.

                      Look when I got laid off from my 9-5 in 2015 and landed a remote job, it literally changed my life. It’s incredible how much working remotely can change the quality of your life and fulfillment. Because of the freedom and flexibility I have been able to travel the world, meet the most interesting like-minded people, prioritize my health and be there for loved ones. And I want the same for you. YOU deserve that. Everyone deserves that. Now I don’t mean you have to ,jet set the world, what you do with your freedom is up to you. This isn’t just about getting a remote job, this is about living a more full life. The remote job is simply the vehicle to take you there. All aboard because I’m ready to take you there if you’re ready to jump in for the ride. Inside we’ve got it all mapped out for you. - Kate

                      Earnings Disclaimer: The Remote Nomad® Ltd. does not make any guarantees or assurances regarding a particular financial outcome based on use of The Remote Career Accelerator®, nor is Remote Nomad responsible for Client earnings, or any increase or decrease in finances based upon information within The Remote Career Accelerator®. You agree that The Remote Nomad® Ltd. is not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal, career, or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results.

                      Testimonials: Testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with The Remote Nomad® Ltd. website is for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.

                      This website is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Facebook, Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, Inc.

                      Need support? Contact hello@theremotenomad.com

                      The Remote Nomad Ltd.
                      6-14845 Yonge Street, Suite #410, Aurora ON, Canada, L4G6H8
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